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Sidy Diallo disowned by FIFA

Seized by the Ivorian Football Federation on the blockage caused by the candidacy of Didier Drogba, FIFA gave a favorable verdict to the former captain of the Elephants. The body is in particular in favor of re-establishing the FIF Election Commission.

FIFA decides in favor of Drogba

Seized by the FIF in order to comment on the electoral process underway within the body in charge of football in Côte d’Ivoire, FIFA gave its opinion by letter. In a note dated August 21 in response to Sidy Diallo who protested against the conditions for the validation of Didier Drogba’s candidacy, FIFA invited the outgoing president of the FIF to cancel the Extraordinary General Assembly scheduled for August 29. and above all to restore to its functions the Election Commission chaired by René Diby.

Commission whose suspension, it should be remembered, was decided by the current president of the Fed on August 11. In a note, the tenant of the Glass House had denounced “serious shortcomings” in the conduct of this process. Pointing in particular a violation of the texts in favor of the candidate Didier Drogba

New vote on Drogba’s candidacy?

In its correspondence, FIFA proposed a vote of the members of the Electoral Commission on the question of the validation of the candidacy of Didier Drogba. “FIFA is of the opinion that the Electoral Commission must meet as soon as possible in order to ratify any necessary decision by a vote, in accordance with the provisions of the electoral code”.

The institution chaired by Gianni Infantino also recommended “to avoid any misunderstanding” that the minutes of this meeting be signed by all members of the Commission. It is therefore an important victory for the Drogba camp which can breathe and calmly consider the election of September 5 even if nothing yet guarantees that the validation of the candidacy of the Ivorian football star, is a given.

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