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Sido Wriggling Appears (SIDO) and Kalbe Farma (KLBF) Heal Covid-19 Patients

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA – Pharmaceutical issuers PT Industri Jamu and Pharmacy Sido Muncul Tbk. (SIDO) and PT Kalbe Farma Tbk. (KLBF) has the upper hand because its products are a mainstay for ordinary people to fight Covid-19 infection.

Sido Appears for example, at the beginning of this year released a herbal capsule product that was considered by the public to be able to kill the deadly virus infection. The testimonial came from consumers of JSH capsule products who were also positive patients of Covid-19 three months ago.

Because of the news, Sido Muncul also stated that he received a request for JSH capsule supply from the Semarang City Government last May. The result, 40 out of 45 Covid-19 patients who diligently consumed the product were declared cured after passing the quarantine period.

“The experiences and testimonies from Covid-19 sufferers who recovered, we can not simply ‘ignore’. “The experience of those recovering from Covid-19 after taking JSH capsules, many people are infected and there is no cure for Covid-19, has prompted us to distribute JSH capsules to several hospitals,” wrote management in a press release received. Business, Saturday (6/27/2020).

The Wind Reject Manufacturer also claims that it has indeed developed herbal products food supplement starting four years ago. One idea is to develop products for detox or get rid of toxins in the body through alkaline products with high PH.

The idea for developing herbal capsules then came from Sido Muncul’s Chief Commissioner, Jonathan Sofyan Hidayat and then registered with the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) under the name JSH Capsules.

The company asserted the JSH capsule is not pure activated carbon because it has been further processed so that it dissolves in water. This is because the company’s research and development team has also processed the material charcoal into alkaline products or capsules with a high PH.

“After this we will follow up on the JSH capsule research with research institutions. Once again we say, JSH capsules are products with high PH or alkaline products to help maintain health for all ages because it makes the body alkaline, “said Sido’s Appearance Director, Irwan Hidayat.

On the other hand, Kalbe Farma is also committed to supporting the government through herbal products in overcoming and overcoming Covid-19, one of which is through innovation and research into herbal medicines as immunomodulator in the handling of positive patients with Covid-19.

Meanwhile, the two products that will take part in this clinical trial are products made from basic ingredients Cordyceps military and a combination of extracts made from red ginger extract, meniran, bitter and sembung.

During this time, mushrooms cordyceps is believed to maintain the immune system and treat respiratory disorders. While products derived from a combination of herbs made from red ginger extract, meniran, bitter and sembung are believed to maintain endurance.

“We hope that this herbal product can be felt by the community in helping to strengthen the body’s immunity and is beneficial to be able to remain productive at the moment new normal this, “explained Director Sie Djohan in his received press release Business, Thursday (11/06/2020).

Products with this herbal combination are expected to be released soon.

Biotechnology Product Development

Meanwhile, Kalbe Farma is also incessantly conducting research through biotechnology products in collaboration with a South Korean company, Genexine.

At the end of May, Kalbe Farma and Genexine agreed to conduct a GX-19 clinical trial in Indonesia, namely the development of a DNA vaccine against a new corona virus by a consortium with Genexine, Binex, the International Vaccine Institute (IVI), GenNBio, The Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST), and Pohang University of Science & Technology (POSTECH).

“Phase 1 clinical trials are being conducted in Korea so there is no conclusion yet,” Kalbe Farma President Director Vidjongtius told Bisnis on Sunday (6/28/2020).

Vaccine research itself has been conducted on primates, and has been shown to produce antibodies capable of neutralizing the new Corona virus, so that the next stage will be tested on humans.

Furthermore, Kalbe Farma also said it would collaborate with relevant government agencies to collaborate in developing this Covid-19 vaccine so that the research process went smoothly and the results could be utilized for the benefit of the health of the Indonesian people.

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