The mayor of Tallinn, Mihhail Kõlvart, stated at the Jugelgala of the Bullying-Free School that every child needs an encouraging and supportive environment for development in order to realize their dreams.
“You certainly know the saying of a well-known person: “I have one dream”. He fought against injustice, inequality and violence. He had a dream that one day such a world would become possible, where communication and attitude between people does not depend on gender, nationality or religion. He was sure that one day the world would be one where it was possible and proud to be different. Where a different way of thinking and appearance is valuable, and where every person has value,” said Kõlvart.
According to him, childhood is a world of dreams. “The bolder, more colorful and more interesting dreams are, the braver a person is throughout his life. The more he can achieve and the more he is sure that anything is possible. But this world of dreams depends on the environment surrounding the child. If it is supportive, encouraging and provides colorful inspiration, then courage and the right dreams will come. But if this environment hurts, causes pain and injustice, then there are no real dreams,” said Tallinna meer.
He suggested that the Bullying-Free School could also have another name – School of Dreams. “Because the right dreams and the right environment to create those dreams are, in my opinion, the biggest goal. When you feel free, there is also energy for creation. And this feeling must accompany a person throughout his life,” said Kõlvart. “You do a lot to ensure that not only childhood, but your whole life is in the right environment. And in order for the destiny taken from childhood to really create – a world of dreams for life.”
Speaking more pragmatically, according to Kõvart, learning outcomes also depend on the environment. “And the influence of the whole society depends on them. But this impact and this work has a much bigger meaning than just the education system. But the education system is already the basis of our future,” added Kõlvart.