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Siddharth Bedi, son Kabir who committed suicide / The actor: “Schizophrenia is tragic”

Kabir Bedi is moved to Big Brother VIP when he talks about the son Siddharth Bedi during the evening live broadcast. “I hear a lot of people taking care of people with schizophrenia, these people suffer more because they see a person they love changed, because this person is not the same, as she has changed in a tragic way“. His words visibly touch the entire studio, but the actor continues to share his dramatic emotions: “In those moments we would like to fix everything but it is very difficult, the big problem of schizophrenia is that young people of twenty or twenty-five, suddenly, lose their lucidity and do not accept that they have a problem. Now the medicines are better than they used to be, I don’t want to give a message of little hope, I just say that at that time it was different “, the legendary actor of Sandokan concludes embittered. (Update by Jacopo D’Antuono)


Siddharth Bedi, the son of Kabir, is undoubtedly one of the most painful pages in the life of the actor himself, who recently entered the house of Big Brother Vip. Siddharth Bedi, in fact, killed himself in 1997, when he was only 25, since suffering from schizophrenia. Kabir’s son, born of his first marriage to Protima Bedi, was ua great mind, able to graduate in computer science at university, but the evil that afflicted him unfortunately prevailed over reason, or perhaps it was reason that got the better of his heart, and in the end he decided that it was time to end it all . Kabir Bedi has often and willingly dealt with the drama, even in television hosts, as when he told Caterina Balivo years ago, at the time host of Come Da Me: “My son Siddharth took his own life because he was schizophrenic. This it is a terrible disease because it affects young, brilliant people. Nobody knows what the causes are, there are no cures ”.

When Siddharth Bedi fell ill, the medicines were not yet as advanced as the ones we use now, consequently the same drugs did not have the desired effects on the young man: “He felt that nothing had any more meaning, he could no longer taste the food. What he saw on television or read in books no longer made sense “, Kabi said again who had also revealed how his son had anticipated the crazy gesture he wanted to undertake:” In a moment of lucidity, he told me he wanted to take his own life ”.


Obviously the actor had done everything to try to counter the advance of the disease but above all to convince his son not to end it, to stay alive, surrounded by the love of his family, but in the end it didn’t help, and Siddharth Bedi killed himself. At first the parents had thought of a severe form of depression, but later the terrible diagnosis of schizophrenia came, and it was in fact the beginning of the end.

Kabir Bedi he decided to make his story public also the books “Stories I have to tell you – My human adventure”, autobiography released last year, in 2021, and in which this terrible family drama is addressed. Siddharth’s death occurred in the United States, where the boy, together with his sister, had moved after the divorce of his parents. “My son was a tech genius – Kabir said to Sorrisi Tv e Canzoni a short time ago – he had the world in front of him but he was diagnosed with schizophrenia, which was fatal. I told it because I owed it to all the families facing the torments of mental illness “.


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