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Sick staff after carnival brings more and more companies into trouble

After a busy carnival weekend, the corona figures are rising rapidly. Many revelers were happy to pay for it, but companies are left with the baked pears. Lunchroom ‘t Paviljoen in Roosendaal is closing because too many employees are sick. The shop of Zuivelboerderij Zwanenburg is closing because the owners themselves are infected and Haarstudio El Barbero only has one hairdresser left.

It feels sour for Lion Schapendonk of lunchroom ‘t Paviljoen. He has to close due to the corona infections among his staff and he is not alone. “This was separate from God.”

Immediately after carnival, the first reports of illness trickled in at Lion. “In the meantime, I have lost three out of four people in my kitchen. And of the eight employees in the service, five are now at home. Then it becomes a difficult story. I can take part in the kitchen or the service myself, but both I can’t.”

So there was only one thing to do: “Close. With so few staff, the service just sucks. That’s not possible. And it’s also to protect the customer, isn’t it. I’m negative myself for now, but for the same money I’ll wear it well about.”

On Monday Lion hopes to welcome the first guests again. In the meantime, he tries to make the best of it. “A little cleaning, some administration.”

But it does bother the entrepreneur that carnival has so many consequences. “We had expected that the result would be intense. You could count that on your fingers. Provided, I understand the cafes. And you can’t stop people either. But to throw everything open like that, that was separate from God. .”

But does he blame his staff? “You just have to accept that it is. And if we are in the same situation next year, it is clear. Do you want carnival boys? Well, then we will close for a week in advance.”

A little further on at the shop of the Zuivelhoeve Zwanenburg farm, they experience about the same problems. Although it is owners Niek Mangelaars and Birgit Goossens herself who have been felled by the virus. “We also celebrated carnival. Then you know that there is a risk that you will become infected.”

And even though the work with the cows continues, their shop with homemade dairy products will be closed for a while. “But luckily there are a few very nice people who have offered to help,” says Niek. “Birgit’s mother and a girl next door are coming to run the shop on Saturday. Very nice.”

Customers are also welcome at Haarstudio El Barbero in Breda for the time being, although the agenda is full a lot faster than usual. “The hairdressers have gone to carnival,” explains owner Sylvie van Dijk. “Now they all have corona, so I’m left alone here.”

So get it right. “And it is certain that it will cost money. Of course I just have to pay those girls and there are fewer customers available. I do my best, but full is full. Fortunately, we have a lot of regular customers. I hope they will be next week But come. At least if the staff is back on their feet.”

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