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sick leave delivery and no handshakes

A few days ago there was a clean field. Today – hundreds of builders, dump trucks, KamAZ trucks at unloading, excavators. 30 kilometers from Moscow, behind the concrete ring, the construction of a new infectious diseases hospital with 500 beds has begun. The hospital will be built of prefabricated structures in record time. This will be a hospital for patients with suspected coronavirusif the need for extra beds appears. Today they are receiving the 1st infectious disease on the Volokolamsk highway and the medical center in New Moscow. Cope.

IN Kommunarka hospital new patients come every day – with symptoms of a viral infection after returning from Western Europe, China and South Korea. In a hospital, the development of the disease can be tracked on time. The ward building for 600 design beds is already half full. If the virus continues to spread rapidly, up to 800 people are ready to receive here. All patients are in the same building, but in isolated wards. Instead of specialized departments – neurology, surgery, gynecology – the hospital temporarily works only with coronavirus and suspicions of it

This hospital complex was supposed to open in the spring as a multidisciplinary medical center. But already on March 1, patients began to be brought here to quarantine. In two weeks of operation, coronavirus was confirmed in 12 out of 300 people.

“What we see in Moscow is a relatively prosperous picture, if we again compare with Italy, associated with quarantine measures, with clear work, with the identification of risk patients and their isolation. That’s all, ”said Denis Protsenko, head physician of Moscow City Clinical Hospital No. 40.

“We decided that 14 times we would fly on empty planes to Germany, Spain, Israel and take our customers home before March 19,” said Elena Selivanov, spokeswoman for Pobeda.

Sheremetyevo Airport, Terminal F, launches and receives European flights. There is double temperature control at the airport. The first is on board the arrived liner, the second is already in the terminal. The thermal imager delivers the result with an accuracy of one tenth.

Flights from Berlin, Vienna, Seoul land in the air harbor. There are almost no foreigners on board – these are ours returning to Russia. They distribute masks to each passenger even on the plane – you can only take them off in a taxi. A questionnaire is made up for each. And sent home to quarantine.

There is no need to go to the clinic for the sick leave – his volunteers bring him home. Medical gloves, masks, spray. No personal contact. The document is transmitted over the threshold.

You can order a sick leave by phone. There are three call centers in Moscow. Two hundred operators vying in the gym, ask questions and answer questions.

“People need to observe the regime of self-isolation for 14 days. There is no way to leave their apartments and place of residence. They do not attend mass events, shops, pharmacies, work, school. They have to look for ways to interact with the outside world, such as delivery, help from friends or neighbors, ”said Vera Ardanets, operator of the hotline of the Moscow Department of Health.

Anna Bakurskaya helps neighbors: the couple recently returned from Italy – now it is impossible to leave the house. Work remotely – over the Internet. Things are more complicated with the products – there is no delivery to the holiday village, which is a hundred kilometers from Moscow.

He collects food in bags and hangs on the fence: when a woman moves away from the gate, isolated neighbors will be able to pick them up. Money will be transferred to the card. But not everyone is ready to withstand two weeks of quarantine.

A resident of Miass Larisa Yasneva, returning from Italy, refused to take a test for the virus. Now her police are looking for. But in court, such an argument does not work. Yasnev was sentenced to compulsory quarantine – not at home, in the hospital. Even before disappearing, she then complained to correspondents: her rights were violated.

In the Czech Republic, a fine of up to 130 thousand dollars faces a fine for violating the quarantine, and up to seven years in prison in Israel. In Italy, they can plant for three months. Criminal liability comes for personal irresponsibility. An infected person is dangerous to others.

“A manifestation of consciousness, when the population is ready to save themselves and help doctors who really carry out heroic work, not to burden the medical system additionally due to the carelessness and irresponsibility of their own. I visited China 2 times last month, and it was seen how the behavior is changing people in the streets. If in early February there people could throw a piece of paper just past the ballot box, that was normal, then they all washed their hands, the streets are clean enough to lie on the asphalt, figuratively speaking. they’re waiting for some scientists or doctors to exert themselves and give out some kind of terrible secret how to save themselves from the coronavirus. The most terrible secret is that you just have to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, “said Alexander Semenov, Deputy Director of St. Petersburg Pasteur Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology on innovative work.

No shaking hands is also a manifestation of consciousness. Greet each other with a nod or a smile. Wipe your hands with an antiseptic or alcohol wipes as often as possible. The measures are simple, philistine, but effective, doctors say.

In the lobby of the metro stations, at checkpoints and factories, there are also paramedics with thermal imagers. The temperature is measured remotely. If above 37, the person is deployed home. From the ice arena CSKA deployed hockey fans. The KHL match was without spectators. Due to this unusual silence, there was no feeling of a struggle on ice. But everyone understands: these are exceptional measures. In Moscow and the Moscow region banned events involving more than five thousand people, in St. Petersburg – if more than a thousand.

The Ministry of Education offers schools to temporarily switch to distance learning. In Lipetsk, quarantine is declared in all educational institutions in the region. The desks are empty, the cabinets are disinfected. Teachers work with students online and always say how to protect themselves from the virus: “You need to wash your hands thoroughly, wear masks.”

But medical masks are hard to get. We visited pharmacies in different regions of the country: Lipetsk, Penza, Yekaterinburg, Vladikavkaz. Even in the pharmacy of Sheremetyevo Airport, where international flights arrive, there are no masks on sale.

At the Sverdlovsk enterprise, where they sew medical masks, they already work in two shifts. People and machines do not rest even at night. In February, there were interruptions in raw materials. Now the demand has grown unrealistically. Production volumes doubled, but still not enough.

The mask is not a panacea. For preventive purposes, it makes sense only in transport and crowded places. The virus can enter the body through any mucous membrane, including through the eyes, which remain unprotected. Dressings can be effective only in combination with antiseptics and well-washed hands.

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