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Sick George Kooymans can no longer use fingers: ‘Completely c*t’ | Stars

entertainment">“It is going backwards,” said Kooymans. “I can still walk and drive a bit, but everything is difficult. But I can’t use my fingers anymore.”

entertainment">As a result, Kooymans can no longer play the guitar. “It’s totally shit, but it’s the way it is. I’m trying to find a mode to still compose something, in a different way. There are computer programs that allow you to write by blinking your eyes. I can now operate a mouse with my hand. But playing guitar is no longer there.”

entertainment">It is unclear how progressive the disease is in Kooymans. “The rate of all these neurological diseases varies from person to person,” he explains. “People say it’s slow for me. But I feel like it’s moving very quickly.” Sometimes Kooymans has a setback. He was recently hospitalized for three weeks because of a pulmonary embolism. That’s not good for your muscles either. But I pack every day.”

entertainment">Kooymans released a new album on Friday, Mirage† He has been working on this since 2014.

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