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Sicily’s Record-Breaking Heat Wave: Europe’s Highest Temperature Ever

TOO HOT: Joel Malonga (25) spends the whole day in front of the ovens inside the patisserie Pastry Roberto Chemi in central Taormina. He still thinks it’s more comfortable than being out in the heat wave. Photo: Live Austgard / VG

TAORMINA, SICILIA (VG) Europe’s hottest temperature ever has been measured on this Italian island. Now the record can be broken.


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Sicily can break its own record: Europe’s highest ever temperature – 48.8 degrees – was measured here in August 2021. This week, temperatures that could touch this are expected. The heat waves come more often and become more intense. Italy is among the hardest hit countries in Europe now. VG is in Taormina. We have spoken to both Italians and holidaying Norwegians who think it is far too hot. view more

– It is always hot in Sicily, but this summer is more intense. Even the wind in the evening is warm, explains Joel Malonga (25).

He shakes his head and waves his airy T-shirt.

– It’s beautiful here, but you can’t escape the heat.

VG meets him in one of Taormina’s oldest pastry shops, Pastry Roberto Chemi.

For 42 years, the patisserie has been cooking in the middle of the city’s busiest pedestrian street, Corso Umberto. The specialty is the Italian delicacy cannolicannoli Cannoli is a Sicilian pastry. It consists of a deep-fried dough that is filled with ricotta cheese and, in this case, dipped in chopped pistachios.

UN CANNOLO, PER FAVORE: The Sicilian pastry sells like hot cakes here in Taormina’s main street. Photo: Live Austgard / VG

RicottaRicottaRicotta is a cheese-like dairy product from Italy. It is creamy and mild, and is used in both dinner dishes and desserts. made from scratch. Behind the counter are large ovens where the dough is baked.

– This summer will be very, very, very hot, Malonga emphasizes seriously.

Then he grins:

– It’s worse outside the door than in front of the oven!

Can touch own record

Barely 120 kilometers from Taormina is the small Sicilian town of Siracusa.

It was here that Europe’s highest temperature ever was measured august 2021: 48,8 grader.

This week the record is in danger of being broken. Even higher temperatures are expected both on Sicily and Sardinia.

There is no doubt: Heat waves are ravaging Europe.

MAMMA MIA: Tourists bravely wander around in the scorching sun. Seats in the shade are mostly occupied. Photo: Live Austgard / VG

Last year’s heat waves claimed more than 60,000 human lives in Europe.

It has been established that this heat would be virtually impossible without it global warming and man-made climate change.

Basically, periods of intense heat are not unusual. What is striking is the frequency, intensity and length of the heat waves.

They come more often, are hotter and last longer.

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EXTENDED: Off with cap, on with water. There is a chronic queue at the water fountain in Piazza Duomo in central Taormina. Photo: Live Austgard / VGETTERLENGTET: The queue for the water fountain will never end in Piazza Duomo in central Taormina. Photo: Live Austgard / VG


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EXTENDED: Off with cap, on with water. There is a chronic queue at the water fountain in Piazza Duomo in central Taormina. Photo: Live Austgard / VG

Italy is among the summer’s hardest-hit countries. The authorities have issued red danger warning for 23 cities, including the tourist favorites Catania and Palermo in Sicily.

The warning indicates that the heat is so intense that it may pose a threat to the health of all population groups.

– KharonKharonKharon is the name of the ongoing heat wave in southern Europe. It is named after the ferryman in Greek mythology who was responsible for transporting the dead to the underworld. causing temperatures far from our normal standards. Italy is experiencing a situation that does not happen every day, it writes Italian meteorological service Il Meteo.

HOT: This map is updated daily by the Italian authorities. Red indicates heatwave and “high-risk conditions” that persist for three or more consecutive days. Orange indicates high temperatures that may have negative effects on the population’s health. Photo: Ministero della Salute / Italian Ministry of Health

On Wednesday, Rome broke its own heat record when it was measured 41,8 grader in the Italian capital. At the same time reports emergency room in Naples that it hasn’t been so busy since the corona pandemic.

Other places have workers are sent home because it is not considered safe to work outside. The authorities have previously warned about increased risk of occupational accidents in connection with increasing extreme heat.

– Extremely expensive for many

Taormina is located right by the sea, surrounded by cliffs and cliffs. On Tuesday, the temperature was around 40 degrees.

Malonga emphasizes that the proximity to the coast is a privilege in this heat.

He himself was born and raised outside Milan in the north of the country. The temperatures are significantly lower there.

– Do you prefer the heat since you moved?

He fixes his eyes on us, wrinkles his nose. Then he winks slyly, answers quickly:

– In the.


Hot in Europe

Extreme weather as a result of a warmer climate is becoming the new normal, according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). This is happening against the background of man-made climate change. Temperature measurements as we know them have been carried out for 174 years. Last month was the warmest June ever recorded since then, according to the EU’s climate monitoring service. Then new global heat records were set several days in a row in the first week of July. Last year’s heat waves may have claimed over 60,000 human lives in Europe. It shows and new study. They found an increase in the number of deaths compared to the average for the last 30 years. Italy, Spain and Germany had the most heat-related deaths. The heat waves also caused a number of forest fires. This year, meteorologists fear it will be worse. Outside Milan, Italy, a man in his 40s died after collapsing due to the heat last week.

Read the latest news about extremism in Europe her.

sea ​​view

Malonga explains that most households in the city have air conditioning (“of course!”), and that people use it more and more often.

Thus, the name also has its price.

On Tuesday, a new record in electricity consumption in the afternoon was reported, according to the Italian news agency Ansa.

– This week we have had some of the warmest days and evenings so far this year. It will be hugely expensive for many, because the air conditioning system has to be on all the time, he explains.

NOT NORMAL: – This summer is more intense, says Malonga. Photo: Live Austgard / VG

Throughout the interview, more and more sweaty tourists pour in. Many of them happen to stop on the doorstep of the small venue.

Above the front door, an air conditioning system blows at full blast.

The 25-year-old grins.

– This is the best place in here.

AHH: Here the cold wind hits perfectly. The employees know this very well. Photo: Live Austgard / VG

Malonga works at the patisserie from morning to night, almost every day.

– What do you do when you have time off?

It looks like VG has asked the world’s stupidest question.

– What? I have to go to the sea! Bathe and get your energy back. I have tomorrow off, he says happily.

The weather forecast decides

In Taormina you have to come down from the height to cool down. Tourists trek down the winding streets with sun hats and umbrellas.

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SAFER IN THE SHADOW: A tourist without a head covering is a rare sight in Taormina. These are on their way to and from the beach. Photo: Live Austgard / VGISOLA BELLA: The TV series “White Lotus” has filmed scenes on this popular beach. Photo: Live Austgard / VG


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SAFER IN THE SHADOW: A tourist without a head covering is a rare sight in Taormina. These are on their way to and from the beach. Photo: Live Austgard / VG

At the front of the beach at Isola Bella, people lie close together.

Here VG meets the sisters Helene (19) and Hanne (27) Nygaard. They notice that it has become warmer in recent days:

– It’s like it’s too hot. We check the weather forecast and plan accordingly, says Helene.

The sisters are on holiday with their parents. On this trip, however, there has been more beach than planned.

MORE OF SWIMMING: And less of sights. The sisters Hanne (fv) and Helene Nygaard seem satisfied nonetheless. Photo: Live Austgard / VG

The heat sets some limitations, explains Helene.


– I dip myself, drink a lot of water and take it with a smile!

Hanne agrees.

– We are only in the sea anyway. It’s going well, she says.

THE APPETITE: The beach at Isola Bella is a popular bathing spot. The TV series “White Lotus” has filmed scenes here. Photo: Live Austgard / VG

– Good to warm the skeleton

Up in the mountains again, VG meets another Norwegian family. We pull into the shade from a side street.

– It’s very nice here, but far too hot. We have skipped a number of activities, and spend more time on the beach than planned, says Silje Storesund (47).

She is on holiday from Bodø with her daughter Maja Angelini (16) and husband Alessandro Angelini (48).

The latter is from Verona in the north of Italy – and perhaps a bit more used to the high temperatures.

– It is very good to warm the skeleton again after a cold winter in Norway, he says with a grin.

MIXED FEELINGS: The family Maja Angelini (former), Alessandro Angelini and Silje Storesund agree that it is very hot now. The Italian in the middle certainly seems to do the trick after a cold Bodø winter. Photo: Live Austgard / VG

A little further up the street we meet Mario Nassi (60). He sells freshly squeezed juice from a small cart, and has lived in Taormina all his life.

VG finds him behind a whole pile of oranges and pomegranates.

– Is it really extra hot this year?

– Yes. This is not normal. The system is changing, he says.

SKEPTICAL: Juice seller Mario Nassi believes this year’s temperatures are abnormal. He was born and raised in Sicily. Photo: Live Austgard / VGInfo

VG is in Southern Europe – tip us!

Now we are in Sicily in Italy. Are you in the area, either on holiday or permanently?

We are looking for good stories about Norwegians who experience the heat and the exchange rate of the krone in different ways:

Are you spending more time in a chilled hotel room than planned? Do the ice cubes in Aperol melt too quickly? Has your regular restaurant become too expensive since the last time? Or is it simply TOO hot to be in southern Europe right now?

We want to hear from you! Tip us here.

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Published: 19.07.23 at 05:18

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2023-07-19 03:18:29
#Joel #believes #record #escape #heat

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