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Sicily, vast fire in the woods of Altofonte. The mayor: get out of your homes

again emergency fires in Sicily. This time a gigantic fire is destroying the hills around the town of Altofonte, in the Palermo area, the flames have arrived close to the town. The very serious situation, all citizens who live under the woods, including the Campo Vecchio area, Cozzo di Castro, Corso Piano Renda, must move away. The flames and incandescent ash can cause fires even in the inhabited center. Everyone get away from your homes .. go down to the village. Immediately: the appeal launched on Facebook by the mayor of Altofonte, Angela De Luca, in whose hills the fire broke out on the afternoon of Saturday 29 August with a front estimated at about two kilometers. There are at least five fires that triggered the fire, a circumstance that makes us think of the malicious hypothesis. Numerous teams of firefighters, forest police and civil protection volunteers are at work on site.

The post of the regional councilor

I want to recommend, in these dramatic hours, to the citizens of Altofonte to listen to the indications of the men of the Forestry Corps and of the Fire Brigade working at this moment. Some houses have been evacuated and all available men and all means are busy on the fire front. We are doing everything possible and more. Let’s hope so: the post on Facebook by the councilor for the Territory of the Sicilian Region, Tot Cordaro. The comment on Twitter by the Palermo journalist Ignazio Marchese is dramatic: The criminals have struck again. #Altofonte #Palermo the residents leave their homes.

August 30, 2020 (change August 30, 2020 | 01:52)


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