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Sicily, anti Covid vaccines, Razza blocks injections to magistrates: “We respect the priority categories”

Vaccinations for magistrates in Sicily blocked. The Courts of Appeal of the Region, in fact, have received a letter signed by the Regional Health Councilor Ruggero Razza announcing the blocking of the administrations which in some courts had already begun. “In light of the new provisions – reads the letter from Razza – which have binding effect throughout the national territory, regardless of the evaluation that each region can make, I must tell you that starting from Monday 15 March we will proceed only in compliance with the priority categories indicated, by contacting the call center “.

In Catania, for example, all the judging magistrates remain outside but also the staff because they should have started the administration on Monday. Instead all the prosecutors of the Prosecutor’s Office and the PCs of the General Prosecutor’s Office were vaccinated. The same in Ragusa and Syracuse. Vaccinations had also begun in Palermo but many magistrates will remain out, in light of the new provisions.

The lawyers protest against the interruption of vaccinations a “humiliation for the justice sector”, as defined in a note by the president of the Union of Bar Association of the Island, Giuseppe Di Stefano, who also wonders if it is “appropriate that certain services , defined as essential, must continue with diligence to ensure their function to the community or if they may suffer from some slowdown, some setback, some operational limitation “. Di Stefano therefore asks for a rethinking of politics, not only local, because the decision of the Regional Health Councilor, Ruggero Razza, was adopted “in compliance with the National Vaccines Plan, but the problem – continues Di Stefano – is different and wider. . The lawyers have been called to vaccinate only because they are part of the justice sector, together with the magistrates, the clerks and the administrative operators of the courts. We have not requested or demanded anything, much less vaccination privileges “.

Meanwhile, the anti-Covid vaccination campaign for “extremely vulnerable” people will start next week in Sicily. This is an audience that affects a total of about 500,000 citizens. The structure of the Regional Health Department – in light of the update of the National Vaccination Plan (launched last March 10) and taking into account the priorities defined and the indications relating to the use of available vaccines – is in fact proceeding with the organization of reservations. for citizens who fall into the “extremely vulnerable” category, i.e. people suffering from pre-existing organ damage conditions or who, due to an impaired immune response to SARS COv2, have a particularly high risk of developing severe or lethal forms of Covid- 19.

This is the second important step on a fragile target: Sicily, in fact, already on March 2nd started the vaccine administration campaign on very seriously disabled people and their caregivers, assistants. The vaccination can be booked through the telematic platform made available by the national commissioner structure, managed by Poste Italiane. Obviously, for citizens who, due to certified health conditions, will not be able to go to the territorial vaccination points, it will be possible to book the vaccination at home, through the call center.

In line with the new vaccination plan launched by the national government, the vaccination of Sicilians over 80, of the 70-79 year-old age group, of teaching and non-teaching school and university staff, of the armed police forces and public aid, penitentiary services continues. Italians, of residential communities. Finally, following the provisions of the new national plan which effectively blocked the administration of the vaccine on the target of the so-called “essential services”, also in Sicily we will continue with vaccinations scheduled by age and not by category.

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