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Sibeth Ndiaye wants to reopen the debate on ethnic statistics

Sibeth Ndiaye, spokesman for the government, on June 3, 2020 at the Elysee palace, in Paris — Christophe Ena/AP/SIPA

The spokesperson of the government Sibeth Ndiaye suggest re-open ” a peaceful and constructive debate around
ethnic statistics “, and ” return with force to the tools to fight racial discrimination “, in a column published
Saturday by The World.

France, unlike anglo-saxon countries, has banned targeted policies, quotas of ethnic statistics to treat all citizens equally.

“Don’t give up on our project a universalist and a republican “

While new protests against police violence and racism are organized on Saturday, the spokesperson asks : “Why not ask in a manner peaceful and constructive debate on ethnic statistics ? “

“Because we have made universalism the foundation of our laws, but, not to be able to measure and look at the reality as it is, we let it grow fantasies,” writes Sibeth Ndiaye, itself a franco-senegalese, who is said to have been ” the experience of everyday racism “.

“There is something there that we need to re-enter it urgent, because we must not give up our project a universalist and a republican, under penalty to give reason to those who subvert the meaning and exploit shamelessly the weaknesses “, argues this former socialist close to the head of the State.

The question of the representation

Sibeth Ndiaye believes that it is necessary so ” we rest the question of the representation of people of color in public life, political, economic and cultural of our country.” According to the spokesperson of the government, ” we must return with force to the tools to fight racial discrimination without confusing them with the means to fight against the social discrimination “.

“The problem of racism in France is not settled. But we can do it back at the price of an unflagging struggle, economic and social, democratic and republican, who must, once again, the honour of France, calls it. Dare to discuss publicly some of the topics yesterday, still discussed today become taboo, without falling into the usual trial of intent. “

Former Prime minister Manuel Valls was re-launched in 2015 as the issue of ethnic statistics, but François Hollande was shown to be much more reluctant.

During his presidential campaign, Emmanuel Macron was rather said to be ” in favour of a pragmatic way to increase the testing, the criminal justice response, and the name and shame “(name and blame) for the firms practicing discrimination in hiring.

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