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SIAM 2024: Spain, a guest of honor… like no other!

Unlike some EU countries, bilateral relations between Morocco and Spain have been good in recent years. Geopolitically, the two countries agree well on many of the issues related to security, immigration, the Moroccan Sahara affair, the climate… On the economic level, Spain has outclassed France for several years already, becoming Morocco’s first economic partner. The tripartite organization of the 2030 World Cup between Morocco, Spain and Portugal further consolidates economic relations and the prospects for developing the necessary infrastructure, investments and financial resources.

Enough to reassure donors, economic partners and all players in the financial ecosystem, both Moroccan and Iberian. This means that the context today is more favorable than ever to properly improve economic cooperation between the two countries. It is, among other things, in this context that the Spanish participation takes place, as guest of honor of the 16th edition of SIAM.

In a statement to the press, the Spanish Minister of Agriculture, Luis Planas, explains that the designation of Spain as country of honor once again illustrates the depth and anchoring of the ancestral relations which link the two Kingdoms . This edition will therefore constitute a privileged moment for Moroccan and Spanish professionals to consolidate their existing partnerships and create new ones, with the aim of jointly tackling common challenges which require even closer cooperation from both countries:
“The meetings that I will hold, on this occasion, with my Moroccan counterpart, Mohammed Sadiki, are part of this dynamic that the cooperative relations between the two countries are experiencing and reflect the common will of Morocco and the “Spain to develop them further, particularly in the field of agri-food,” he said, noting that in this regard that SIAM will also bring together the ministers of agriculture from countries on both shores of the Mediterranean to discuss topics of great importance such as research and development, climate change, innovation and the use of new technologies in the agricultural sector, as well as the resilience and sustainability of agricultural systems.

He also assured that cooperation between Rabat and Madrid is constantly developing, as evidenced by the very significant increase in trade which has increased by 40% over the last five years, thus allowing Spain to rise to the rank of Morocco’s leading trading partner.

As a reminder, in 2023, Spanish exports of agri-food and seafood products to Morocco constitute 1.6% of total Spanish exports, while those from Morocco to Spain represent 3.9% of Spanish imports, a- he argued. In Morocco, Spain is very present in terms of investments, as evidenced by the participation of 35 Iberian companies in SIAM 2024.

To conclude, the Spanish minister recalls this: “We are Morocco’s leading trading partner and we can further improve our trade and investments by investing in innovative agricultural projects through a more intelligent use of resources, in particular water “.

We can deduce that this designation of Spain as guest of honor of the 16th edition is intended to be highly symbolic and reflects Morocco’s renewed desire to consolidate these multidimensional relationships, particularly in the areas of economic, commercial and agricultural cooperation.

At SIAM, the Spanish pavilion, erected on 544 square meters, constitutes a space for exchange and meeting to promote commercial exchanges and partnerships between Moroccan and Spanish companies, strengthen their cooperation and explore new business opportunities in the agricultural sector… At this rate of things, the two countries are setting a fine example of cooperation and offering themselves good avenues of economic development at a time of an increasingly uncertain world and facing an ocean of challenges of different forms and increasingly complex.


#SIAM #Spain #guest #honor
– 2024-04-22 10:51:20

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