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Shows: Patty Wong reveals that she was attacked by her ex-partner: “I suffered from violence

she was not silent. The businesswoman indicated that she considers this to be a possible strategy of her ex-partner, whom she continuously denounced for physical and psychological violence.

According Patty Wong, the master chauffeur Ronald Arquiñaga Espinoza who denounced her, was a shareholder and provided catering services to the express of his ex-partner, so he believes that these attacks come from his part.

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At another point in his video, Patty Wong makes the terrible confession. In 2018, the former Habacilar model indicates that she was a victim of attacks of physical violence and that the report will come out this Thursday on the Magaly Medina program.

Patty Wong reveals she was assaulted by her ex-partner – TROME

“I don’t want them to generate ratings. I am here gallantly to tell that I have been a psychologist of violence psychology of slander during all this time. The biggest mistake I could have made for my ex partner is to have left her, ”she said.

He also published a video where he assures that the violence he suffered from his ex-partner is verified. She also indicated that she is taking measures for the damage to her image and her honor.

Magaly Medina makes fun of Patty Wong’s tears: Not even mother Teresa of Calcutta TROME

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