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Showmen unhappy with not reopening occupied the highways on Wednesday morning

What there is to know :

– Fairground companies are demonstrating throughout France, this Wednesday, May 19. Snail operations are scheduled from 7 am and could take place throughout the day.

– While part of the activity resumes in France from this Wednesday, the fairgrounds, them, must wait until June 9.

And immediately:

2:15 p.m. This live is over, thank you for following it.

2 p.m. End of movement

The movement ended at midday. The prefecture confirmed at 2 p.m. that all the processions of demonstrators left the roads.

12h. Update on traffic conditions:

In the north

– On the A1 motorway in the direction of Paris / Lille and the A25 in the direction of Lille / Dunkirk, commune of LILLE:

Currently the convoy is located at the Port Fluvial exit in Lille and the disturbances are mainly located on the A1 motorway.

– On the A21 motorway direction Valenciennes / Douai. the convoy is located in Dourges. Disturbances over 5km.

– On the RN 41 direction La-Bassée / Lille, the convoy is located at Haubourdin junction A25 to go to Lille. Disturbances over 5km.

In the Pas-de-Calais

– On the A16 motorway in the Calais / Boulogne direction, the convoy is located in Coquelles to go to the town of Marquise. Local disturbance.

11h. The point of the prefecture

In the north :

– On the A1 motorway in the direction Paris / Lille, currently the convoy is located at Phalempin. The demonstrators are heading towards Lille. Disturbances over 15 km.

– On the A21 motorway direction Valenciennes / Douai. the convoy is located in Somain to join the Dourges interchange. Disturbances over 5 km.

– On the RN 41 direction La-Bassée / Lille, the convoy is located in Fournes-en-Weppes to go to Lille. Disturbances over 5 km.

In the Pas-de-Calais

– On the A26 motorway in the direction Reims / Calais, the convoy is located near Calais to go on the A16 motorway towards Marquise. Disturbances over 5 km.

10:30 am. The fairgrounds of the Setques toll take the road to Calais

On the A26, the fairgrounds are preparing to take the road to Calais.

10:25 am. The point of the prefecture

In the north

– On the A2 motorway direction Paris / Brussels. the convoy sets off again in the direction of Douchy les Mines to take the A21 motorway back to Douai to join the A1 motorway at Dourges. Disturbances are noted at the Hordain toll barrier in the direction Paris / Brussels over 4km.

– On the RN 41 sector of Illies, currently a convoy is heading for Englos to go to Lille. Disturbances over 3km.

In Pas-de-Calas

– On the A1 motorway in the direction Paris / Lille, currently the convoy is located at Izel-lès-Equerchin, the demonstrators are heading towards Lille. Disturbances over 3km.

– On the A26 motorway in the direction Reims / Calais, the convoy is currently located at the Setques toll gate. Filter dam. Disturbances over 3km.

10:20 am. It’s starting to break free on the A2

In the direction Brussels – Paris, it starts to be released from Douchy, but it rolls in step.

In the direction Paris-Brussels, it remains very congested, they set out again towards Douai by rolling at the step.

9:50 a.m. The fairgrounds leave the A2 tolls

In the direction Paris – Brussels, the fairgrounds are freeing the Hordain toll and are heading back to Douai.

In the direction Brussels – Paris, only one toll had been released, but the fairgrounds are also leaving.

9:30 am. About sixty trucks leave the Fresnes-les-Montauban toll

About thirty fairgrounds organized a free toll operation in Fresnes, joined by another procession from the A26. They have just left the toll together and are heading towards Lille.

9h. Blockade in Setques

On the A26, a filter dam is set up near Saint-Omer at the Setques tollbooth.

8:30 am. The point of the prefecture

In the north

– On the A2 motorway in the direction Brussels-Paris: the convoy is located at the Hordain toll gate. Disturbances have been observed from the Marly sector.

In the Pas-de-Calais

– On the A1 motorway in Fresnes-les-Montauban, around thirty demonstrators operate a filter dam.

– On the A26 motorway in the Calais-Reims direction. A convoy of 30 heavy goods vehicles is located in the Thélus sector and reaches Fresnes-les-Montauban. Disturbances have been observed from the Noeux-les-Mines sector, between Béthune and Bully.

– On the RN 41 sector of Auchy-les-Mines, currently a convoy of 18 heavy goods vehicles is heading for Douvrin. Disturbances over 5km.

8:10 am. Two convoys at the Fresnes tollgate

At the Fresnes-les-Montauban tollgate, a convoy from from the A26 joins the one already there, which causes slowdowns in the Calais-Reims direction between Béthune and Aix-Noulette. It takes about 7 kilometers of slowdown.

They should converge on the A1.

8:05 am. Stopper in Marly

On the A2 motorway in the direction Brussels-Paris. The convoy is currently located in the Douchy les Mines sector. Disturbances are noted over 15km from Marly at the A21 junction.

8h. Open on June 9 for fairgrounds

During negotiations last night, a reopening date was obtained by the showmen. They will still have to wait a bit, but will be able to welcome the public again on June 9, says spokesperson Nicolas Lemay on France Bleu.

8h. A procession is at the pèage de Fresne and is about to take the A1 towards Lille

7.45 a.m. Big red dot in the Valenciennois

Traffic is currently complicated between Denain and Valenciennes.

7:50 a.m. National movement

This fairground movement is national, operations are organized throughout France.

7:30 am. Traffic slows down and becomes denser on the A1

A procession coming from the A16 arrives on the A1, at the Fampoux junction.

6:45 a.m. Big disruptions to be expected on the A2

At 7 am, the fairgrounds will start from Valenciennes and take the A2 towards Cambrai. They will stop at the Thun-l’Évêque tollbooth, before heading on the national road towards Douai. The end of the operation is scheduled for 7 p.m.

6:40 am. What disturbances can be expected in the Nord and Pas-de-Calais?

Disturbances are to be expected on the A16 (Boulogne-Calais axis), the A1 (Lille-Arras), the A25 (Dunkirk-Lille) and at the A2 toll (Valenciennes Cambrai axis). Reason for dissatisfaction: the lack of prospects for reopening, after seven months of shutdown activity.

Nearly 200 heavy goods vehicles have been identified in Nord and Pas-de-Calais. They will avoid the city centers. ”
We’re not here to stop them from working
», Says Nicolas Lemay to the sectors affected by the resumption of activity. The objective remains ”
to be heard

6.30 a.m. What do fairground professionals want?

Professionals are hoping for a firm reopening date set by the government which only evokes, for the moment, that of June 9. Setting up a funfair requires anticipation and contacts with town halls. However, for lack of visibility, it seems that municipalities are already giving up the installation of rides initially planned for July and August. Not enough to reassure the 50,000 fairground professionals in France.

6:20 am. The showmen seize the Council of State

An ordinance of January 25 authorized us to reopen under the same conditions as cultural activities, but this is not the case today.
», Indignant Nicolas Lemay, president of the Federation of fairgrounds of France, while this Wednesday, May 19 marks a second phase of deconfinement, with the reopening of cafes and restaurants, museums, cinemas, theaters …


We decided to go back to the Council of State. There is no valid reason why we should not be able to work unless the Covid has focused on the rides… There is less commotion here than in the malls and so on.

The national manager highlights the nature of our ducasses, often light structures, always outdoors, installed in the squares of towns and villages. ”
Fairgrounds with less than ten rides represent 80% of fairgrounds in France. The Lille fair, the Throne fair, these are exceptions. Our audience is made up of people who know each other, the children attend the same schools …
It mixes less people than shops, pedestrian streets and we have already been able to set up a health protocol
», Maintains Nicolas Lemay.

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