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Show: Małgorzata Socha has a coronavirus. How is the actress doing?

Małgorzata Socha has a coronavirus – reports the “Show” magazine. The star of the series “Przyjaciółki” suffers from COVID-19. How is Małgorzata Socha?

Show: Małgorzata Socha has a coronavirus. How is the star of “Friends”?

Małgorzata Socha has coronavirus. The information that the actress fell ill with COVID-19 was confirmed by the “Show” magazine. As we read, the star of “Przyjaciółek” suffers the disease gently. The shooting of the series “Przyjaciółki” had to be suspended, and the series crew went to quarantine. She did a coronavirus test too Magdalena Stużyńska. As the actress informed, the test turned out to be negative.

Grzegorz Kuczeriszka on compliance with hygiene rules on the set of “Friends”

Information that one of the main stars of “Friends” has koronawirusa, appeared last week. Grzegorz Kuczeriszka, the director of the series “Przyjaciółki”, in an interview with “Rzeczpospolita” said that not all stars perfectly followed the rules of hygiene on the set of the series.

“We all signed a commitment that we will not come to work with symptoms of the disease and we will not participate in large gatherings, go to parties or the gym during the production. We work in masks, we disinfect our hands, we follow all the rules. Unfortunately, I observe that the actors who after all, they often live freely, not following the safety rules “- said the director in an interview with “Rzeczpospolita”.

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