Home » today » News » Shouting and shaking – violence in Riga kindergarten is children ‘s everyday life / Article / LSM.lv

Shouting and shaking – violence in Riga kindergarten is children ‘s everyday life / Article / LSM.lv

If the child does not listen, then he must be pushed or shaken to cry in the corner, and then there will be peace. Children here are nonsense, little dwarfs and whispers, intolerance and humiliation – such an attitude towards young children was revealed by the special operation of the program “Forbidden Method” in the 36th kindergarten of Riga municipality.

During the operation, the journalist of the program worked in this kindergarten for more than four months as a nanny or educator’s assistant, who has a low salary, and there is a lack of such staff, so this job is given to almost everyone.

And so the journalist managed to document how children are treated in kindergarten – he cries, shouts at them, humiliates them.

The journalist of the show documented intolerance and humiliation of children if the child does not fit into the teacher’s frame.

Fixed regular jerking, stroking, not talking of children.

Excessive aggression has also been seen, failing to cope with the situation.

There is a shout, a threat and, it turns out, a threat even with math.

Commenting on this video testimony, family psychotherapy specialist Andrija Likova concluded that it is both physical and emotional abuse, “such communication and reactions are not allowed, it is emotional abuse against children”.

Children are kept in high stress for a long time, and under stress, children’s brains cannot learn, they cannot learn anything new.

In addition, the violence experienced and seen becomes a role model, and people continue to abuse later in school and as adults, as they have been taught, explained Likova.

And if all this goes on, it’s devastating for a child’s ability to continue learning, feeling emotionally well and appreciated, mark a psychotherapist. The consequences can be both behavioral and physical – children are more likely to get sick.

Tiny, foolish, tiny, pink and little dwarfs – these are just some of the epithets that sound both behind children’s backs and in public.

The educators were not really interested in the children, they just took care of the two children, who could tell everything to their parents.

“As far as I can see, I talked to the children quite a bit. [..] The educators did not talk to them. They didn’t try to understand exactly who they were, ”said the program’s journalist – the nanny.

In an episode when a babysitter asked two educators if we should talk to a crying boy, the educator’s answer was to talk to the parents, and in general such children should be “excluded from the garden because people are queuing for the garden.”

Educators do not really see the problems at their disposal. One of the educators blamed the leadership for not introducing him to the group and these children, and the guilty children, who were uncontrollable and uneducated.

“However, it was necessary to tell what was happening, how much the teachers had changed there and that the group was in principle released and very unmanageable, it should have been made known,” the educator said.

The show also introduced the filmed material to the director of Riga 36th preschool educational institution Iveta Vitkovska, who has been running the institution since March. She commented evasively on the videos – the teacher has to react professionally and sometimes he has to say a tougher word, although some episodes are not pedagogical when, for example, a child is humiliated.

But from all the director’s words, it can be understood that she does not see her responsibility in these episodes, instead she has turned against the program in the Riga City Council, called on parents to complain to the State Inspectorate for the Protection of Children’s Rights.

But the program also handed over videos with suspicions of emotional and physical violence against children to the State Inspectorate for the Protection of Children’s Rights, which launched an inspection.

The State Inspectorate for the Protection of the Rights of the Child indicates that complaints about pre-school institutions are regular and many are suspected of violence.

“In the context of physical violence, in recent years we have recorded an interesting trend that has not yet been studied in depth – but not so much the beating or perhaps the beating, but the taking and shaking of the child. It is a physical violence that may not leave visible consequences in the form of bruises and bruises, but in any case it is quite traumatic for the child, painful enough for the child at that moment and absolutely unacceptable, ”said the head of the inspection Jānis Ābele.

Emotional abuse, on the other hand, is even more difficult – “it must be taken into account that this young child is not always able to tell this information. And we are also very careful in this respect, because it is important not to injure the child himself during this questioning, without hurting him emotionally, ”Ābele pointed out.

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Psychotherapist Andriy Likova, on the other hand, said that it is still difficult with kindergartens that parents may not even rush to turn to the institution or a teacher because they are afraid that it may turn against his child.

“In fact, nothing is done there, because the child is left alone and it is possible that he is not brave enough from such an experience, if his parents do not dare to do so, then he learns that he has to deal with such a huge amount of stress. , which they can not cope with, and it always refers thereafter to the emotional life, the relationship life and also to the thinking about how valuable I am; or, being left alone with his difficulties, he also learns that it is the norm – to be alone in suffering, ”explained Likova.

And the psychotherapist urges parents not to be left out:

“I want to encourage parents to go and change something and talk about the child’s boundaries, about the child’s needs, about the child’s best interests, in a friendly way, whether I can get involved somehow or I can help somehow, I see that I the child is going through, maybe there is something I can help as a parent. So to develop this healthy model of the system, when the parent, educator, kindergarten management cooperate and there is an opportunity to change and solve it in some way, not to wait when its consequences will be so great ”.

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