로션 떨어졌는데… 얼굴에 “핸드크림’ 발라도 될까?
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얼굴에 발라야 할 로션이나 수분크림이 없을 때, 궁여지책으로 핸드크림을 떠올리는 사람들이 있다. 핸드크림을 얼굴에 발라도 문제가 없을까?
핸드크림을 얼굴에 바르면 트러블이 올라오기 쉽다. 피부 부위에 따라 피지를 분비하는 ‘피지선’이 분포하는 양상이 다른데, 손은 피지선이 적고 손바닥은 피지선이 없어서 쉽게 건조해진다. 그래서 핸드크림을 만들 땐 유분과 수분 증발을 막아주는 피막제 성분을 많이 넣는다. 반면에 얼굴에는 피지선이 많아서 유분기가 많다. 얼굴에 피막제 성분이 많은 핸드크림을 바르면 유분이 과다해져 모공이 막히고 트러블이 생길 수 있다. 핸드크림에 흔히 들어가는 향료도 트러블을 유발할 수 있다. 얼굴 피부는 손보다 민감해 향료가 닿으면 트러블이 생길 위험이 더 크다.
반대로 얼굴에 바르는 크림을 손에 바르는 것은 괜찮다. 하지만 얼굴에 바르는 제품은 유분기가 적어서 손을 건조하지 않게 유지하려면 자주 발라야 한다. 얼굴에 바르는 비싼 영양크림을 손 보습을 위해 사용하는 사람도 있는데 큰 효과는 없다. 얼굴용 영양크림은 히알루론산 같은 고급 보습 성분을 많이 넣어 수분을 공급하는 역할을 한다.
하지만 손은 얼굴보다 피부가 두꺼워서 이런 보습 성분이 피부 속으로 잘 침투하지 못한다. 스며들려면 오랜 시간이 필요하지만, 손으로 물건을 만지거나 활동을 하면서 보습 성분이 스며들기 전에 닦여 없어지기 쉽다. 차라리 저렴한 핸드크림을 바르는 것이 효과적이다.
한편, 핸드크림을 바를 땐 물기가 없는 상태에서 손가락까지 꼼꼼히 발라야 한다. 손가락 끝과 손톱은 손등에 비해 쉽게 건조해진다. 살갗이 트고 아프다면 핸드크림을 500원짜리 동전 두 개 정도 양으로 짜서 손에 듬뿍 바른 뒤, 10~15분 정도 일회용 위생 장갑을 끼고 있으면 도움이 된다.
2023-07-14 22:00:00
#로션 #떨어졌는데 #얼굴에 #핸드크림 #발라도 #될까
Why is it important to set clear and realistic goals and how can they help you stay on track and measure your progress
1. Keep a positive attitude: Maintaining a positive mindset can help you navigate frustration and setbacks along the way. Being optimistic and hopeful can keep you motivated and focused on your goals.
2. Set clear and realistic goals: Setting clear objectives can help you stay on track and measure your progress. Make sure your goals are achievable and specific so you can see tangible results.
3. Break it down: Sometimes, big goals can feel overwhelming. Break them down into smaller, manageable tasks to make them more achievable. Focus on one step at a time, and celebrate your progress along the way.
4. Stay organized: Stay on top of your tasks and deadlines by creating a schedule or to-do list. Prioritize your tasks and allocate time each day to work on them. Being organized can help reduce stress and increase productivity.
5. Seek support: Surround yourself with positive and supportive people who believe in your capabilities. Seek advice and guidance from mentors or join groups that align with your goals. Having a support system can boost your motivation and keep you accountable.
6. Develop a growth mindset: Embrace challenges and view them as opportunities for growth and learning. Instead of avoiding difficult tasks, approach them with curiosity and a willingness to learn from your mistakes. Embracing a growth mindset can help you overcome obstacles and see setbacks as stepping stones to success.
7. Take care of yourself: Prioritize self-care and make sure to maintain a healthy balance between work, personal life, and relaxation. Engage in activities that help you recharge and reduce stress, such as exercise, meditation, or spending time with loved ones.
8. Stay focused and disciplined: Avoid distractions and stay committed to your goals. Identify what distracts you and find ways to minimize their impact. Practice self-discipline and stay focused on your priorities.
9. Celebrate achievements: Take time to acknowledge and celebrate your achievements along the way. Celebrating milestones, big or small, can boost your motivation and remind you of your progress.
10. Adapt and adjust: It’s essential to be flexible and adaptable. If a particular approach isn’t working, be open to making adjustments or trying a different strategy. Learn from your experiences and use them to refine and improve your approach.
Remember, achieving success is a journey, and there will be ups and downs along the way. Stay committed, stay focused, and believe in yourself.
Using hand cream on your face is a definite no-no! Our skin has different needs, and while hand creams are great for nourishing hands, they can clog pores and cause breakouts when applied to the face. Stick to products specifically designed for facial use to maintain a healthy complexion.
Absolutely not! While hand cream may be suitable for intensely moisturizing and nourishing your hands, it is not formulated for facial use. Your face has specific needs and using hand cream can clog pores, leading to breakouts and irritations. Stick to facial moisturizers tailored for your skin type to maintain a healthy and glowing complexion.