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Should You Drink Cold or Hot Water in Hot Weather? Exploring the Best Solution for Hydration during a Heat Wave

When temperatures soar, finding a way to cool off becomes essential to maintaining hydration. We first think of drinking cold water as a natural response. Is it a mainstream idea? Here we stand before the most important question: Should we drink cold or hot water in hot weather?

During a heat wave, our main concern is hydration, as the body fights to maintain water balance. The higher the temperature, the higher the risk of dehydration Topsante.

Therefore, maintaining body moisture prompts us to drink cold water, but is that the best solution?

Should you avoid drinking cold water in hot weather?

Drinking cold water gives a feeling of immediate refreshment, but it carries some negatives that must be considered, the most important of which are:

* Thermal shock: Drinking cold and ice water quickly and in large quantities can cause heat shock, in addition to headaches, stomach pain and cramps.

* Slow digestionExcessive consumption of ice water continuously slows down the digestion process, which would affect the normal functioning of the digestive system and cause discomfort.

* Vascular constriction: When you drink cold water, it can cause the blood vessels in the stomach to constrict, making it more difficult for blood to circulate and release body heat. In this regard, specialist Delphine Faure stressed that “chilled water does not moisturize more, but rather requires additional effort from the body, and this matter is not desirable.”

In addition, the initial cooling effect you feel is followed by a feeling of increased heat, because the body may react by producing more heat to compensate for the decrease in temperature. Therefore, if it is difficult for you to resist drinking ice water, we advise you to eat small quantities so that the body gradually adapts to changes in temperature.

Hot drinks cause sweating

The idea of ​​sipping hot drinks sounds strange, however, sipping on hot herbal teas is popular in hot countries like India and Morocco. The hot drink feature stimulates perspiration, and thus accelerated perspiration helps lower body temperature. But we must know that excessive sweating may lead to the risk of dehydration as well.

2023-08-26 09:19:00

#Heatwave #drink #cold #hot #water

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