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should we keep them or tear them off?

original wisdom teeth drill badly
Useful to our distant ancestors, much less today, wisdom teeth can do damage when they break through. © Shutterstock

What are wisdom teeth for?

To nothing ! The last molars to grow, wisdom teeth facilitated the chewing of our ancestors. But with the evolution ofdental hygiene and food, as well as the placement of implants, prostheses ordental appliances, the loss of chewing potential is less. In short, wisdom teeth are now mainly a source of concern for children and their parents, with pain, infections and other inconveniences.

How many wisdom teeth?

In principle, a maximum of four. And that’s enough. But some only have one, two, three, or even none. Mystery…

Teeth of wisdom, beware of adolescence!

At what age do wisdom teeth appear?

The x-ray can detect their germ between 8 and 10 years old. Their crown is formed around 12 years old. They generally pierce between 17 and 20 years of age, but sometimes much later. As a result, 90% of wisdom teeth erupted by the age of 25 (provided there is enough room on the jaw).

When to extract a wisdom tooth?

When it is badly positioned or pushes out of control. This is especially the case of the third molars of the mandible (lower jaw) which tend to “play with their elbows” to show the end of their enamel, even if it means pushing their little neighbors. In this case, the dentist or orthodontist recommends extraction – sometimes as early as 12 years old – to avoid an unsightly “overlap” phenomenon. The occurrence of a caries and recurrent gum infections are also responsible for many extractions. Hence the need for preventive consultation and the relevance of the national prevention program MT’dents put in place by Health Insurance (see “Good to know”).

At what age should extraction be considered?

If the wisdom tooth is incorrectly positioned or if it is included, without the possibility of drilling, extraction should be considered between 17 and 20 years old. At this age, the root is short and is not yet fully formed. Furthermore, the bone surrounding the tooth is still tender. All these elements facilitate the surgical intervention. The longer we wait, the more complex the operation becomes.

Wisdom tooth extraction, fast and efficient!

How is the operation going?

Under local anesthesia, sometimes regional, very rarely general (in case of extraction of the four molars). In case of multiple extraction, the oral surgeon extracts one or two wisdom teeth on the same side, then one or two others on the other side a few weeks later. The procedure lasts on average less than an hour, except in the case of multiple extraction. To facilitate extraction and limit trauma, the dentist often cuts the tooth in several pieces beforehand.

Is the procedure painful?

In principle, no. Thanks to new anesthesia techniques, the extraction does not generate any pain … even if it is not very pleasant!

And after ?

You should plan to take antibiotics to avoid infection. Your dentist should also prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs to limit edema and possibly pain relievers. In addition, you will need to have a suitable diet, namely liquid or soft foods which will be swallowed warm or cold. During the 24 hours following the extraction, favor soups, yogurts, purees, creams, compotes, soft cheeses, certain vegetables too. Long live the ice, even in the middle of winter … Do not use cigarettes for three to four days after the procedure – under penalty of alveolitis – and very hot food. In any case, avoid eating foods that require long chewing for the first week after extraction.

Alveolitis, the danger after uprooting

What are the complications after the extraction?

The pain is of varying intensity, more intense after the extraction of the lower teeth, especially if it required a lot of bone during the surgical procedure. Generally, the gum is swollen for two to three days, then it gradually deflates. After a week, it is possible to resume a food routine, except in cases of alveolitis. A fairly common complication, especially after extracting a wisdom tooth from the lower jaw.

What is alveolitis?

A loss of the blood clot in the socket, that cavity in the jaw where the wisdom tooth was placed. In this case, the bone is exposed and the area becomes very sensitive. The pain occurs three days after the extraction. A consultation with your dentist is essential

What reimbursement to extract a wisdom tooth?

In an approved firm, the extraction is partially covered by Social Security (70% of the agreed rate). The balance is reimbursed by your health insurance, except in the event of general anesthesia in a hospital or clinic. Ask for a quote.


With the program ” My teeth “, Health Insurance allows all children and adolescents to benefit from a free appointment with the dentist every three years. Parents receive the first letter of support at the age of 3, then afterwards when their child is 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21 and 24 years old. The “M’T teeth” program also provides free dental care if it proves necessary. Note that this oral prevention device has been extended since 2014 to pregnant women.

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