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“Should Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Receive More Security, Even if it Costs Millions?”

It was a spokesperson for Prince Harry who revealed the existence of a “race” in the streets of New York on May 17, 2023 in a press release. This whole story has put the thorny question of the safety of the prince and his family back on the table and reopened the traumas of the past. Since their departure from the royal family, the security of the couple Meghan and Harry (and now that of their children Archie and Lilibet or Doria Ragland, the mother of Meghan Markle who accompanied them this evening) is a difficult subject.

This sequence in New York shows the little family in a taxi at the mercy of the paparazzi. A few days ago, we saw photos of Prince Harry on a commercial flight in the middle of other passengers to go to the coronation of his father Charles III. A little music is heard: Haven’t Meghan and Harry been abandoned, at the mercy of dangerous predators, since their exile ? Shouldn’t we better protect these personalities? Harry and Meghan would certainly like a logistical or financial helping hand.

We remember that in 2020, when they crossed the Atlantic to reside in Canada and then in the United States, the respective governments had to respond very concretely to this question and Justin Trudeau, like the Trump administration, had assured that wouldn’t spend a dollar of public money to protect their new VIPs, Meghan and Harry. In 2019, Canadians had briefly provided this security with public funds, causing a certain controversy. Le magazines Forbes estimates an annual bill between 2 and 3 million dollars to ensure the safety of the family. A bill which the spouses must pay, for the time being, without the help of the crown or the United States where they reside, but with their own income from the documentaries, series and other biographies they produce.

If the press release from the prince’s spokesperson is particularly dramatic in its account of the events, the New York police wanted to clarify and calm things down. The number of photographers following the couple’s car made the trip difficult, but no arrests were made, she said. The couple took a taxi in an attempt to go incognito, but the driver told the Washington Post that their journey together only lasted ten minutes, and that he rejected the term “chase”. Far from the words of the prince’s spokesman who spoke of a very risky and dangerous two-hour chase in the streets of the American city.

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2023-05-19 15:56:00

#Meghan #Markle #Harry #chase #raises #question #expensive #safety

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