Home » today » Health » Should know! Here’s How to Overcome Foamy Pee, which can be a sign of serious illness

Should know! Here’s How to Overcome Foamy Pee, which can be a sign of serious illness


Illustration of how to deal with foamy urine.

Grid.ID Reporter, Rissa Indrasty

Grid.ID – Have you ever observed the condition of your urine like foaming?

Foamy pee It can be caused by lack of fluid intake or dehydration.

To overcome this, you just simply drink more water.

However, if foamy pee If this happens continuously, you should be aware of it because it can be a sign of another, more serious problem.

Quoted Grid.ID via Kompas.com, Thursday (12/23/2021), launched the Book Body Sign (2007) by Joan Liebmann-Smith, Ph.D. and Jacqueline Nardi Egan, foamy pee can be a very early sign of proteinuria, namely the formation of bile salts or protein albumin in the blood urine.

Proteinuria or sometimes called albuminuria is a sign of kidney damage and disease heart disease, especially in patients with diabetes or hypertension.

Urine Foaming is also often an early sign of nephrotic syndrome, a serious disorder in which the filtering system of the kidneys can be damaged by viral infections, diabetes, and lupus.

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This condition can cause excess protein to find its way into the urine.

In women, foamy urine can also be a sign of a fistula, an abnormal connection between the bladder and the vagina or rectum.

Any condition, including Crohn’s disease or a tumor, can cause the fistula.

Launching Health Line, it was also explained that foamy urine could be a sign of kidney disease.

You are more likely to develop kidney disease if you have any of the following factors:


-Have a family history of kidney disease

-High blood pressure or hypertension

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In addition to kidney disease, foamy urine can also be caused by problems with ‘reverse ejaculation’ or retrograde ejaculation.

This reverse ejaculation is usually caused by the use of drugs for high blood pressure, prostate swelling, hair loss in men, and psychological disorders.

Generally, the symptoms that arise in someone who experiences foamy urine are:

– Swelling of the feet, hands, face, or abdomen due to damaged kidney fluid.

– Exhausted.

– Loss of appetite.

– Nausea and vomiting.

– Hard to sleep.

– Resists orgasm in men.

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If you have experienced these signs and symptoms, you should check with a doctor or specialist. (Nikita Yulia Ferdiaz)

How to deal with foamy urine?

Treatment for foamy urine depends on the cause.

If your pee is concentrated, drinking more water and other fluids will relieve dehydration and stop foaming.

Meanwhile, when foamy urine is caused by kidney damage, you need treatment for the underlying disease.

Often diabetes and high blood pressure lead to kidney disease.

You can slow the progression of kidney damage by treating diabetes and hypertension first.

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Your doctor will recommend that you eat a balanced diet and get plenty of exercise to help treat diabetes.

You should also test your blood sugar frequently to make sure your blood sugar is in a healthy range.

You may also be advised to take medication that can lower blood sugar levels.

For high blood pressure, you must also maintain a good diet.

Limiting salt and protein in your diet can lower blood pressure and prevent your kidneys from working too hard.

Your doctor may also prescribe calcium channel blockers, diuretics, or other medications that lower blood pressure.

Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers are two drugs that are believed to lower blood pressure and protect the kidneys from additional damage.

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Meanwhile, when foamy pee turns out to be caused by backward ejaculation, the doctor can prescribe suitable drugs.

Retrograde ejaculation needs treatment if a man really wants to be a father or dry orgasms are annoying.

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