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– Should be the last to close the tap – VG

OIL FRIEND: FRP leader Sylvi Listhaug meets VG in the office. She says that the world needs more Norwegian oil and gas.

Sylvi Listhaug goes out against Erna Solberg for having created doubts about the oil tax package. She now asks the Conservatives, Social Democrats and the Labor Party to call on the oil industry.


Less than 20 minutes ago

– Norway will be the last to close the crane. It’s good for us, it’s good for Europe and it’s good for the world. Now it is urgent that we find and produce more, says Sylvi Listhaug.

Oil and gas production will increase in the coming years, after the oil tax package has made it more profitable for companies to develop new discoveries.

Party leader Erna Solberg in the Conservative Party has said that the oil tax package was one “Political error” and that it became too generous.

The oil companies put a clear pressure on politicians: As VG wrote last week, Aker owner Kjell Inge Røkke personally warned the Labor Party that he could lay down yardsduring a meeting with, among others, Jonas Gahr Støre.

– Had a goal

Listhaug even negotiated the tax package in the spring of 2020, and says that FRP had one goal: to contribute to as much production of oil and gas as possible.

– It was what governed everything we were doing, and which was our gateway to these negotiations, says Listhaug.

She points out that it was the Conservatives in government, who themselves were the architect behind the solution that was chosen.

– I hope Solberg sees that it is stupid to start the debate that has created uncertainty around the oil package, that it was unnecessary, says Listhaug.

What the Conservative government put forward would have been less favorable for the oil industry than what the FRP was involved in negotiating, Erna Solberg answers.

– The government put forward proposals for changes in the oil tax that would help the industry through a difficult time. The relief we proposed was less extensive than the package that was eventually adopted, says Solberg.

FREE TO: Erna Solberg (H) and Jonas Gahr Støre (Labor Party) together in the walking hall in the Storting. The two party leaders have met in questions about oil this week.

Invites cooperation with the climate parties

Now Listhaug wants to bury the uncertainty and rather have the Conservatives, Labor and Social Democrats on a common front against the parties that want a gradual phasing out of oil and gas.

I would like the four parties that want the development of oil and gas to have agreed on a policy in the future that will provide the most possible activity in this industry. And that we park the other parties, says Listhaug.

The party leader thus repeats an invitation she sent from the rostrum at the FRP’s national meeting.

She wants them to allow exploration for oil and gas in new areas, and to scrap the climate requirement that was set for the industry when they received the oil tax package. The Norwegian continental shelf must halve its emissions by 2030, and with the help of current instruments.

The “other parties” are all who speak in favor of not looking for and developing more oil and gas.

– The parties that want to shut down Norwegian oil and gas are Putin’s best friends. I do not understand their views on this, because no matter if they … Well, bees and flowers and everything is so beautiful and they “should have away oil and gas”, but then that is not how reality works. You have to take it upon yourself, and then this is a need that Europe has for a very long time to come, says Listhaug.

There are no parties that have said they want to shut down the oil here and now. Read more about their positions on oil and gas:

Q: Already an “oil alliance”

– The four major parties stood together yesterday and today, says Trygve Slagsvold Vedum to Listhaug’s invitation.

The Center Party leader aims for the permanent oil tax to be passed in the Storting this week. The same four parties; The Labor Party, the Socialist People’s Party, the Conservative Party and the Green Party represented the majority, together with KrF.

When asked if he wants to take part in a broader oil initiative with Frp, Vedum answers that the Center Party is already very concerned about the oil sector:
– The Center Party has been concerned about stability for oil and gas policy, but at the same time sets requirements. We will produce with the lowest possible emissions and environmental consequences.

– Erna Solberg said last week that she thought the oil tax package was a mistake and too generous. How do you interpret her statement?

– She said one thing, but voted something else. I see her comments as an expression of political high-mindedness, says Vedum.

VG has submitted Listhaug’s comments to Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre (Labor Party). He does not want to comment on them.

OIL, WITH LOW EMISSIONS: Trygve Slagsvold Vedum (Sp) was involved as Minister of Finance when the government presented the plans for a large-scale investment in offshore wind.

Will remove climate cuts

The only thing Listhaug wants to change with the oil tax package is the climate requirement.

Emissions from Norwegian oil and gas production cannot be halved without large-scale use of shore-side electricity. And it is not relevant for Frp to participate in, says Listhaug.

– We believe it is complete madness that we should burn more than 50 billion kroner on electrification, which does not cut emissions globally. By driving up the climate goal, we are also increasing the pace of electrification. We think the Conservatives should go back on that now. The leadership in the Conservative Party doubts this, because they are concerned about the Norwegian climate goal, says Listhaug.

– How are we going to achieve climate goals if we are to pump up as much oil and gas as possible at the same time?

– We believe one must see this in a global perspective. It does not help the world for Norway to reduce its emissions, if it means that other countries emit more.

More oil above climate targets

This week, Global Action Tracker came out with an analysis that shows that the world is now in the middle of a “gold rush” in oil production. Several countries are increasing production of oil and gas, to meet the demand created by the war in Ukraine.

The world will not be able to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees, if all the oil projects that are now planned are implemented, says GAT. Norway is one of the countries they point to, which is now increasing its production.

– Regardless of whether we reach climate goals, the world will need oil and gas. And it is clear that it is much better that Norway, which is a democratic country, produces it here than that we leave it to authoritarian countries, says Listhaug.

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