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Shougang does not attend the first appointment to reconcile with relatives of workers who died from covid

Will they go to trial? No representative of the Chinese mining company Shougang Hierro Perú SAA attended the first meeting to reconcile at the invitation of the relatives of five workers who died after they were infected with covid in their work center. Last April 5 was the first extrajudicial conciliation hearing to deal with the request of the relatives for compensation for damages, loss of earnings and non-pecuniary damage.

The appointment, at the Patmos Extrajudicial Conciliation Center in Jesús María (Lima), was attended only by the relatives of Manuel Angel Medina Morán, Jorge Luis Tubillas Cancho, Dámaso Sabino Apaza Mamani, Luis Alberto Hernández Zevallos and Carlos Javier Cruz Checho, who died in 2021 victims of the covid. Widows and daughters of the deceased they came to the appointment from from Marcona (Ica).

The bereaved hoped that at least one representative from Shougang would be present at the first hearing; however, that was not the case, according to the record to which La Mula had access.

In view of this, the Conciliation Center established new date for the conciliation hearing for April 21.

According to the National Superintendence of Labor Inspection (Sunafil), the Chinese mining company incurred in Serious and very serious labor infractions in terms of safety and health at work. The authority pointed out that Shougang did not adopt sufficient prevention and protection measures, “having been unsafe and unhealthy” at the workplace.

In total, there are nine families who lost their loved ones, who were infected with covid while working at the Shougang mining facilities. five of them They hope to reach an agreement with the company to avoid going to trial, a process that would be more complex, lasting and exhausting for the bereaved. According to lawyer Mario Ríos Barrientos, lawyer for the relatives of the deceased workers, a trial of this type would take between 5 and 8 years.

[Foto de portada: La República]

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