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Shortage of Teaching Positions in Bremen as School Year Begins

Bremen (dpa / lni) – Before school starts, 86 teaching positions are vacant in the state of Bremen. That said Bremen’s Education Senator Sascha Aulepp (SPD) on Wednesday in the town hall. “We are in a much better position than in other federal states,” said Aulepp. At around the same time last year, around 100 teachers were missing. Aulepp reported that the education department had managed to improve the staffing ratio. For every teacher there would be about ten percent fewer students than ten years ago.

According to Aulepp, the number of students at general public schools has risen steadily in recent years. According to preliminary figures from the department, there are about 1,200 more students this year than last year. “The additional pressure that arises in our schools occurs particularly frequently in certain neighborhoods and, accordingly, in certain schools,” said Aulepp.

At the beginning of the week, the Education and Science Union (GEW) Bremen criticized that there was a shortage of skilled workers in the schools. “The workforce is thinner than ever before,” said the GEW. The union demanded a radical rethinking of educational policy in order to avert an educational catastrophe. Working conditions need to improve.

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2023-08-16 19:32:31
#Bremen #education #department #apprenticeship #positions #vacant

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