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Shortage of medicines in public hospitals

It is unfair to say that the shortage of medicines in the government’s health sector began with López Obrador, but it did get worse. The position of the officials ranges from denying that there is a shortage of medicines and medical instruments, to blaming directors and hospital staff for the lack of these basic supplies. There is ant theft of instruments by personnel in some hospitals, which has been around for years, but currently the problem is that many medicines do not arrive because there are supposedly no budget to buy them.

Others blame the administrative disorder on the allocation of budgets for the purchase of medicines. The reason given by those responsible is that the previous suppliers sold at extra prices, which may be true, but “the remedy was worse than the disease.” As an alternative, the government proposed the concentration of all purchases in a single federal agency, but among them they are pears or apples, many patients were left without medicines. The government has dedicated itself to evading its responsibility rather than finding solutions.

A fact that caused anger in the medical community is the arbitrary dismissal of the director of the Institute of Neurology, a researcher, recognized internationally for his contributions to the cure of neurological diseases. He was accused of generating the shortage of which he is actually a victim. The real cause of his dismissal was his opposition to the conditions that the government intends to impose on the Institute and his denunciation of the lack of resources to buy medicines and instruments.

That dismissal caused discomfort in the medical community. Already circulating in social networks a call to a stoppage of doctors entitled “a day without doctors.”

Up to now, the senior officials of the federal government, rather than solving the problem of scarcity, have aggravated it, considering enemies of the regime to whom it differs or questions any of its decisions.

This position, in addition to generating discontent in the medical community, is created by thousands of hospital patients, who are not given the medicines they need for lack of money, while the government unnecessarily allocates hundreds of millions in the construction of an airport in Saint Lucia, which had allowed private entrepreneurs to complete Texcoco, these fiscal resources would have been used in the purchase of medicines in the health sector.

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