Headmasters are missing Thuringia especially in primary schools. This emerges from a list of vacant management positions in the Ministry of Education, which is available to the German Press Agency. The numbers refer to mid-August, a few days before school starts. Accordingly, of the 392 headmaster positions in the primary school sector, 61 were vacant. This corresponds to a share of around 15.6 percent. Of the 86 headmaster positions at high schools, only eight were vacant – around 9.3 percent. Principals generally get more money than regular teachers – and are ranked higher.
Only 3.45 percent of the 174 management positions were vacant at regular schools, and around ten percent at special schools. Overall, the proportion of unfilled management positions was around 10.8 percent – 86 unfilled positions out of a total of 804 headmaster positions.
The Thuringian Ministry of Education As with the teacher shortage, this also speaks of a generational change. Teachers “who are thinking about taking on school management tasks are supported with preparatory qualifications,” it said. There is also accompanying training for school principals.
Prospective school principals should feel well prepared for their tasks, said the spokeswoman. This should also increase the attractiveness of the job. Thuringia’s Education Minister Helmut Holter (Left) also holds regional school principal discussions and digital school management consultation hours. The input from these discussions is used.
© dpa-infocom, dpa:231105-99-828521/2
Headmasters are missing Thuringia especially in primary schools. This emerges from a list of vacant management positions in the Ministry of Education, which is available to the German Press Agency. The numbers refer to mid-August, a few days before school starts. Accordingly, of the 392 headmaster positions in the primary school sector, 61 were vacant. This corresponds to a share of around 15.6 percent. Of the 86 headmaster positions at high schools, only eight were vacant – around 9.3 percent. Principals generally get more money than regular teachers – and are ranked higher.
2023-11-05 08:14:41
#Education #lack #school #principals #Thuringia #primary #schools