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Shopkeepers in the clip of “all” women!

Les Simonettes Pâtisserie, Petit Bateau, the Columbus Café, Arôme Restaurant, Le Quarts, Yolyshine, Brock’n Coffee, Fit & Pole Dance, Les Lubies de Marie or Le Triporteur, many of them have responded favorably to Sylvie Decupper (Rouge Gorge ) and Melvina Poisson (dietician) with whom the manager of this Agen lingerie boutique led the project.

All the women

The stated goal was to highlight women, all women in a much more authentic way than what we see daily on social networks. “It is important for us to stop this quest for perfection and to show that everyone is perfect in their own way. Our differences create our uniqueness and make it our strength. Society’s expectations do not matter”, explain the organizers. It was important to them to do this in a different way: “We wanted something innovative. We wanted to go further in the process and integrate inspiring people into this project. Our town center in Agenais is full of talent and we wanted them to highlight”.

To accept yourself

A clip that fits perfectly into the tone of this International Day of March 8. “We want to break the codes and help women to accept themselves, to dare a little more, and to free themselves. We had already worked on a joint project at the beginning of the year. On self-acceptance and self-love with the organization of a photo shoot in body lingerie in collaboration with Jérôme Bouillet photography, which was a real success. After that, we didn’t want to stop there and continue to work together. We had the idea for this project for International Women’s Day, but we needed a professional to support us in the realization of our project. Simon Frêche (videographer) agreed to bring us his expertise and help us structure our ideas”.

A 100% female cast and exclusively made up of Lot-et-Garonnaises that you can discover on social networks, in particular the Instagram account “Rougegorge.agen”.

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