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Shopkeepers are tired of the lockdown and do not rule out a corona ticket | Economy

Stores are willing to take extra measures, as long as they can open. Retailers are now upset that we are the only country in Europe where it is not possible to shop, according to industry organization INretail.

“We can open in a controlled and safe manner,” says INretail director Udo Delfgou. The interest club speaks on behalf of 13,000 shops and states that there is no longer any support for this hard lockdown.

Regional measures

Delfgou: ,,And we are prepared to open our doors under the conditions of additional measures.” According to the director, there is a list of options that the cabinet can choose from, he tells this site. “Think of an earlier closing time, fewer customers per square meter than before, shopping by appointment or a corona ticket in busy places.”

This is how Delfgou describes the big difference between towns and villages. In the villages it is almost never ‘busy’ in shops. “You can then ask customers for their QR code at stores in large cities. Something they also do in Austria and Germany.” Asking for a corona ticket at shops in corona fires is also an option for INretail. “Then you look regionally where the infections are bad.”


We ask the cabinet to act in parallel with Europe

Udo Delfgou, Director INretail


For the time being, the Netherlands is an outsider in the European continent with its click-and-collect system – but with closed doors. In other countries, physical shopping is possible. Sometimes with a mouth cap, such as in Portugal and Denmark.

“We ask the cabinet to act in parallel with Europe”, concludes Delfgou, who saw that a lot was again bought in Belgium and Germany during the holiday season. “In Belgium, the sales will start, the sales weeks. Then we will see full trains and cars crossing the border again. That is painful for our entrepreneurs.”

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