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Shooting Stars – Report

by Danilo Procaccianti

Collaboration by Norma Ferrara
Images by Carlos Dias, Cristiano Forti, Chiara D’Ambros, Giovanni De Faveri, Andrea Lilli
Search for images of Paola Gottardi, Alessia Pelagaggi
Editing and graphics by Monica Cesarani

Beppe Grillo, the guarantor of the 5 Star Movement, is being investigated, together with the shipowner Vincenzo Onorato, by the Milan prosecutor for trafficking in illicit influences.

The crime, committed by those who get promised or give money by exploiting their relations with a public official, was exacerbated by the 5 stars. Honored, according to the assumptions of the prosecutor, after having paid Grillo through some commercial contracts, would have asked the guarantor of the 5 stars for a series of interventions in favor of Moby Spa that Beppe Grillo would then have conveyed to politicians. As part of the same investigation, searches were also carried out in the headquarters of Casaleggio Associati and it was discovered that Davide Casaleggio would also have taken money from Onorato. This is a contract worth 600 thousand euros a year for the drafting of a strategic plan to raise the awareness of stakeholders on the issue of tax benefits. Today the paths of the Five Stars and of Davide Casaleggio with his Rousseau Association have divided, but what was Casaleggio’s role within the Movement? Was the conflict of interest always denied?

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