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Shooting reported near Plaza San Diego, in Cholula

A group of Neighbors reported a shooting near Plaza San Diegonext to a residential subdivision, Located in San Pedro Cholula. During the truck chasese They heard between 7 and 9 shotsso the passers-by asked the authorities for support.

According to preliminary information, it is known that on Friday morning On September 6, the events occurred between 5 de Mayo and 38 Oriente streets.of the Santiago Mixquitla neighborhoodin San Pedro Cholula.

This, when Two men on a motorcycle They shot at a van in which a woman was driving, however, the victim, in trying to flee, turned onto 5 de Mayo Street where she knocked down a wall and entered a house.

It is known that the lady who had just moved into the area and was returning from her daughters’ school when the shooting occurred. In addition, the attack was allegedly directed at her husband. It is not known that there were any injuries.

After that, the authorities arrived at the scene to gather all the evidence to begin the corresponding investigations.

For their part, the neighbors of the Santiago Mixquitla neighborhood They asked for greater presence of the authorities to guarantee their safety, as they pointed out that they have perceived an increase in crime in the area.

Deputy information coordinator at the news portal Ángulo 7. Graduate in Hispanic Linguistics and Literature from BUAP. Reporter since 2020, she has covered the cultural source on the Quórum portal… More by Andrea Morales

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