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Shooting of Elvis film temporarily suspended after corona contamination Tom Hanks | NOW

The recordings of the as-yet untitled film about Elvis Presley in Australia have been temporarily stopped as actor Tom Hanks is infected with the corona virus.

Baz Luhrmann, the Australian director of the film, has informed the cast and crew of this. It is not clear how many people have had direct contact with Hanks, but everyone from the production has been sent home for the time being. The film is due to be released in October 2021.

The Prime Minister of Queensland, where the shooting would take place, said on Thursday that anyone who has been in close contact with Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson should be in isolation.

“I have been in contact with Baz Luhrmann several times and he would like to emphasize to the Queensland residents that all rules surrounding the virus are being observed,” the prime minister said. The Hollywood Reporter.

Hanks plays the role of manager of Presley

In the film, Hanks plays Colonel Tom Parker, who was the manager of Presley for many years. The manager was actually called Dries van Kuijk and was born in the Netherlands.

Hanks, 63, and his equally old wife, Rita Wilson, had been in Australia for at least a week when it became known that they had contracted the virus. According to authorities in the country, that happened in their home country of the United States or they contracted it on the way from the US to Australia.

Hanks and Wilson, who had already given a number of concerts in Australia to promote her new album Halfway to Home, are currently in isolation for at least two weeks in a hospital on the Gold Coast.

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The coronavirus in short

  • The virus spreads mainly through cough and sneeze drops that hang in the air for a short time. Those who do not show any symptoms hardly pose a risk of infection.
  • An infected person infects two to three others on average. This number can decrease with good precautions.
  • The vast majority of patients have mild (flu-like) symptoms.
  • Almost all deaths concern older or already sick people. You can protect these people with precautionary measures.
  • Read here what the most important precautions are.

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