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Shocking video showing a hungry elephant smashing a kitchen wall in search of food | International

The protagonist of this story, an elephant known as Boonchuay who lives in the Hua Hin district (Thailand), had been prowling the house of Ratchadawan Puengprasoppon for several months with the aim of devising a plan that would allow him to put something in his mouth. In fact, it caused significant damage to it in one of these visits. This was explained by Puengprasoppon himself in statements to CNN, where acknowledges having seen this animal in the vicinity of his home on several occasions during the last few months.

However, despite the family being aware of what was happening, they never did anything since the elephant never dared to go further than it did this Saturday. And it is that, after several months approaching the family home, the elephant has ended up breaking into it by force. This was demonstrated by his own Puengprasoppon through a video published on his Facebook account, where he has shared the images in which the animal can be seen destroying the kitchen wall to eat.

The animal ended up rummaging through drawers in search of food

Despite the fact that the officer dthe country’s National Park, Supanya Chengsutha, has assured that the animal would probably not be especially hungry since the food in the jungle is still the same as several months ago, it does think that it ended up reaching the house because of the smell of food that it gave off the same. For the same reason, and allowing itself to be carried away by its instinct, the animal approached the house and broke into it in search of food.

All this causing a great noise that ended up waking up the family, who had been sleeping for several hours. When Puengprasoppon decided to go downstairs to see what had happened, he found the elephant inside his kitchen. In order to access it, the protagonist of it decided to demolish one of the walls and put a little of that thing that smelled so good in his mouth. Once there, Boonchuay decided to rummage through the kitchen drawers and threw pots and pans on the floor in search of all kinds of food.

“It’s the first time I’ve seen something like it”

After poking a little hole on his first visit to the Puengprasoppon family kitchen, Boonchuay completed his work last Saturday and left an image to remember. Speaking to CNN, Ratchadawan acknowledges that he has seen many elephants roaming the city in search of food since he was young. However, he had never before seen how an elephant could end up breaking into the home in search of food.

But the thing stayed there. All this thanks to the rapid performance of Ratchadawan, who managed to scare away the animal and stop it doing all kinds of damage to the house.

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