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Shocking unknown detail from the funeral of Prince Philip! There were secret… PHOTOS

On April 9, 2021, the Queen of Great Britain received the heaviest blow in her life. Queen Elizabeth II’s husband Prince Philip has died. Lilibet’s lover (as he called her) was buried on April 17.

From jenata.blitz.bg recall that at Prince Philip’s funeral, the queen did something she had not done in their entire marriage. It was there that something amazing happened between Philip’s quarreling great-grandchildren, Princes William and Charles.

Many know that the funeral itself was planned personally by the late Philip. It turned out, however, that he had not only worked out every detail, but had even thought about how the world could see his funeral and the reaction of his loved ones in the most casual way possible.

Something terrible is hidden behind the most iconic PHOTO of Elizabeth II and the late Prince Philip

It turned out that at his funeral, Philip arranged for a hidden detail. A secret that many have not even noticed.

It was only now that it became clear what a secret man he was at Prince Philip’s funeral and what his task was. The mysterious man in question was in a very visible place – he himself captured everything and everyone, but no one saw him.

However, you will learn what kind of mystery we are talking about on jenata.blitz.bg, where you will also see many photos and videos that reveal what is actually behind the secret in question and the mysterious man

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