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Shocking revelations about the atrocity with Georgi, which shook the whole of Bulgaria

The orphan Georgi from Pavlikeni, over whom an attempt was made to be burned alive, was flooded with coresilin, a highly flammable liquid used as a paint thinner. This was announced to the Telegraph by his rescuer Marin Angelov.

The 47-year-old man is fighting for his life at the Burns Clinic in Pirogov. The man, who tried to set it on fire and burn alive, was also accommodated in the same medical institution, but in a lighter condition.

The story, which shocked the whole of Bulgaria and shocked the residents of Pavlikeni, took place on the evening of May 1, hours before Easter. The injured Georgi was called and joined a group of 5-6 men who were drinking beer in the open air on the street. What happened next in the company is still difficult to establish. At about 5.50 pm, on his way home, Marin Angelov passed the gang and decided to stop and have a beer with the men. As he approached, he saw Georgi lying on his back on the sidewalk, naked to the waist, with very red skin. Marin knew the orphan Georgi very well, because 11 years ago he personally took him under his wing and sheltered him in his own house. There Georgi paid for his shelter by helping in the household and looking after his sick father. Georgi himself was left without parents and before being sheltered by Marin, he lived in a dilapidated house with his brother. Residents of Pavlikeni describe the two brothers as very good, but very naive, down to stupidity.

Marin Angelov says that after seeing Georgi’s reddened skin, he thought he had been burned by the sun. He asked him something, but the lying man was in a visibly inadequate condition. Then one of the men drinking the beer told Marin that Georgi had been flooded with something and then set on fire and left to burn. The man who committed the horrific act was called Dancho. “This guy is crazy. He doused it with coresilin and set it on fire “, shared with Marin one of the company of young people drinking beer. Later, however, when he was called to the police station for drinking, the same young man was obviously scared because he changed his testimony and said that the two – Georgi and Dancho, flooded each other with some liquid from a bottle, and then Georgi set himself on fire. myself. In fact, the curious thing is that Georgi himself also told the police that while he was smoking a cigarette, he had poured himself brandy and caught fire. However, his rescuer Marin Angelov questioned his words, believing that in the ambulance, while traveling to Sofia, the shocked man may have been misled and told that he was to blame for the arson.

After seeing the horrible condition in which his lodger was, without hesitation, Marin Angelov called the emergency number. However, they said that the ambulance from the municipal hospital in Pavlikeni would be delayed because it was at an address in the villages. Then Marin himself took the burnt Georgi to the hospital in Pavlikeni, and from there the man was transported by ambulance to Pirogov. However, it turned out that the man in danger of death was not insured and therefore could not be provided with medical assistance. Then Marin and two businessmen from Pavlikeni for a short time collected and paid for Georgi’s insurance for five years ago, about BGN 2,000, so that he could be treated. However, the promised operation, which was to be carried out on Wednesday, was postponed to Friday. When he was admitted to Pirogov, Georgi was first left in a medical coma, then he was taken out of it and is currently on strong painkillers and contact. The same evening, forensic scientists arrived in Pavlikeni and an investigation into the incident began.

Marin Angelov shares that this is not the first case in which the men from the company in question have mocked and mocked the naive Georgi. “They used him as a jester and a mockery. He had been caught once and thrown over there in the ravine. How many times have I told him not to go to them, but he did not listen to me “, shares Marin. He also says that when he called the emergency number, the Dancho in question, who flooded Georgi, started waving his arms and justifying himself: “I didn’t do anything.” However, one of his arms, half of his body and part of his leg were also burned, which clearly indicated that he had a hand in burning the orphan. Savior Marin is adamant that Georgi did nothing to provoke the men of the company to treat him so sinisterly. “He drank, but he was not aggressive or conflicted. He was very naive and very good-natured and I wonder how anyone can do such a cruel thing to him, “said the man.

He also alleges that state institutions tried to drown the orphan by setting himself on fire in order to absolve the real perpetrator from criminal liability. “Gosho is a poor boy and there is no one to stand by him and protect him. But I will not leave him and I will continue to help him “, Marin Angelov is categorical. He and several of his friends have shared the initiative to raise funds to help Georgi when he is discharged from the hospital. Boxes for financial donations have been placed in several retail outlets in Pavlikeni. A charity campaign “to help our Gosho” has been launched for several days on the social network Facebook.


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