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shocking revelation, that’s what happened in those hours

On 8 September, Queen Elizabeth died at the age of 96: the loss shocked the whole world. The causes of her death have not been disclosed, but some details are emerging in the last few hours

Something happened last September 8 that we knew was going to happen, but we weren’t ready to face it yet: Queen Elizabeth II passed away at the age of 96after a 70-year reign. A record in UK history.

As the people and the whole world continue to mourn her and bring gifts in her memory, many wonder what it was the cause of his death. The royal family hasn’t released any information about it, and everyone has thought the same thing: the queen died of old age. Now, however, some rumors would have revealed that behind there is more.

The woman died peacefully, the family said, surrounded by her affections. There were her son Carlo, who has now become king, and her daughter Anna. Later Harry and William joined her; the first of her, however, did not have time to offer her the last goodbye. The father Carlo asked the two to introduce themselves alone and leave Kate and Meghan outout of respect for the queen.

Queen Elizabeth

The queen died at Balmoral Castle, where she now lived permanently. She had long since stopped attending various events in person, and the new Prime Minister Liz Truss had traveled to Scotland in person to meet Elizabeth. The former queen’s health condition has been worrying doctors for a while and for this reason she had withdrawn to a more private and peaceful life, while remaining present for important matters.

Queen Elizabeth’s death, here’s the truth

The disappearance of Queen Elizabeth is a historical event of enormous significance: an era closes with his death. Now another one will begin, under the guidance of King Charles first and then, when he wants to abdicate (these are his words), of William, the next in line of succession.

But did the queen really die of old age? As reported by some newspapers, it seems that the already precarious conditions were aggravated a bad fall. The blow worsened Elizabeth’s situation, leading her to death irremediably.

Queen Elizabeth

It is probable, then, that the queen’s death occurred several hours before the official announcementwhich was at 6.30pm: the family was waiting to be reunited before breaking the news to the UK and the world.

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