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Shocking images in Šakiai: a firefighter drags a dog tied to a car

“You can’t even imagine how fast the car was,” added the Šakiù resident. The gruesome images were shared by many representatives of the entertainment world: TV presenter Rūta Mikelkevičiūtė, publicist Andrius Užkalnis and others.

Word of this cruel treatment of the animal soon spread on Facebook and local residents even found out who owned the car used to execute the dog. It turned out that the Audi belongs to Vidmantas Čemeška, a firefighter from the Šakii Division of the State Fire Rescue Service.

As a result, the Fire Protection and Rescue Department launched an official investigation, Delphi. Lt informed Vida Šmigelskienė, head of the communication department.

“At the moment an official investigation has been launched, we talk to him, we gather information, when the investigation is over, a decision will be made and the public will be informed,” he said.

Passers-by at that time informed the police that a dog was chained to the car driven by the fire brigade, which was being dragged along the streets of Šakiù.

Loreta, a volunteer from the “Lietuva dírtivams” organization, who currently takes care of the animal, said the car with the animal in tow was spotted around 4:00 pm.

“When the girl asked the driver why he was acting like that, he scolded her and even threatened to fight, so he put the dog in the car and drove away,” the volunteer said.

This brutal attack was immediately reported on the general emergency telephone and soon not only police officers but also volunteers arrived at the Audi driver’s home.

“The owner didn’t want to give us the dog, it was left in the stable and wrapped in dirty clothes,” said Loretta. – When the police officers arrived, the owner and also the agents themselves objected to us taking the animal and taking it to the veterinary clinic, but when we explained that we will not go down, the animal absolutely needs help, this is a cruel treatment against the animal, the owner of the dog changed his mind and handed over the animal: it was taken to the veterinary clinic in Kaunas “.

According to the volunteer, the owner of the dog explained that he had no intention of treating the animal in a cruel way and that he did not even know it was tied to the car.

“We were given a version that was difficult to explain – she explained that her elderly father took that bitch and hooked him up, he didn’t think anything wrong, and then it started raining, the bitch got under the car and he had to leave in a hurry and didn’t even notice the dog, the volunteer said. “But he explained that he didn’t drive that far, because he was stopped by other residents, and only then did he see that he was dragging his dog.” .

According to Loretta, the 8-year-old German Shepherd mix was found to have multiple lesions on all four limbs, a scratched chin, and a nipple at the Milavet Veterinary Clinic.

“The animal was in a lot of pain, so he was injected with opioids and antibiotics,” according to the volunteer, the animal will continue to be monitored in the clinic and until the preliminary investigation by the police, the animal guardians will not give the female to the owner.

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The volunteers intend to go to Šakis on Tuesday and meet the owner of the dog, as he is at work on Monday.

“His shift will end, then we will meet and try to understand the situation: if it was really an accident, even if he should have made sure it was safe to drive before he got behind the wheel of the car, or if it was a case of cruelty to animals “, said the volunteer of” Lietuva dírtivams “.

However, at the same time, he got the impression that the owner had never taken care of the dog before: it was said that he was kept near the hut, but the volunteers never saw him near the house and the dog was not there. ‘did not even have a name, it was called Ciucika.

“This is a really scary and heartbreaking case, so we would like to hear the dog owner’s version as soon as possible, because at least the people on Facebook have already lynched him,” noted a volunteer from an organization that cares for animals.

He also added that he will try to find new owners for the animal, as it is unfortunately not safe for him to return to the firefighter’s house.

Delphi. Lt tried to contact the owner of the dog, but without success. Virginijus Rekešius, head of the Šakiai fire brigade at the time, said he learned of the incident on Sunday, V. Čemeška himself informed him.

“The man feels very bad about what happened, he informed me yesterday after the fact,” said V. Rekešius. “But that’s the way it is, he gave his explanation, he gave the version of him, but I wouldn’t want to talk about it because the department has started an investigation, and the police have also started an investigation, so I don’t want to make hasty assessments” .

However, he admitted that the story “goes beyond humanity”.

“But from what we can see,” he noted.

According to the head of the Šakiai fire department, V. Čemeška is not like someone who could treat an animal so cruelly: “After all, he is there to help others at any time, but life is different and there are different circumstances “.

As far as the editors know, V. Čemeška was sober at the time of the accident and a preliminary investigation was launched at the Šakiai police.

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