Police imprisoned Teacher Prem, a 28-year-old young teacher who lured a female student into an affair. Record secret clips to blackmail and force them to sleep with each other. When he refused, he released it on social media. He apologized and admitted that he actually filmed the clip but did not release the images. The clip leaked because the phone was taken for repairs.
In the case of the police, the Public Health Office, arrested Mr. Watcharawit or Prem, 28 years old, from Khon Kaen Province, a German language teacher. Caused an incident of tricking and secretly recording a 16-year-old female student of the victim in 2022. Later, he tried to get the victim to come back and have a relationship with him. But the students did not agree. Therefore, secret clips were released 3 times, causing the victims to bow down to their mother’s feet and bid farewell. Officers later arrested Mr. Watcharawit at a school teacher’s room in Songkhla province. Inspection found secret clips of other victims.
Progress at Samae Dam Police Station at 9:30 a.m. on March 16, 2024. Investigators at Samae Dam Police Station detained Mr. Watcharawit or Prem, 28 years old, from Khon Kaen Province, the suspect under the Thonburi Criminal Court’s arrest warrant No. 173/2567. On February 21, 2024, Pad was first detained at the Thonburi Criminal Court.
While the officers were taking Mr. Prem into the car, The accused had a neutral expression on his face. Reporters asked for facts. Mr. Prem confirmed that There was a clip recorded while they actually slept together. But denied that he was the one who released the said clip. The clip that came out It happened because he took his cell phone to get repaired. Because after sleeping together, the clip that was recorded will be deleted for the victim to view every time.
Mr. Prem also apologized. Family and victims that the said clip was published on social media I feel very remorseful for causing the victim to be in such a situation and admit that at that time I was very excited and wanted to record a clip to watch with only 2 ex-girlfriends.
Pol. Col. Preecha Noosalung, superintendent of Samae Dam Police Station, revealed that initially investigators have reported three charges: the taking of a minor over fifteen years of age but under eighteen years of age from his father, mother, guardian, or caretaker by without reasonable grounds for obscenity by the minor willingly, defamation by advertising and import into the computer system any computer data having an obscene nature The investigating officer wishes to object to bail. Because this is a case where the victims are children and youth. In the past, none of Mr. Prem’s relatives have come to contact him to request a visit or apply for bail.
2024-03-16 05:19:29
#Imprisoning #Prem #perverted #teacher #released #secret #clip #blackmailing #students #Thairath