Home » today » News » Shocking: a woman set herself on fire in Pécs (video)

Shocking: a woman set herself on fire in Pécs (video)

A person working nearby informed the bama.hu portal that a woman had set herself on fire at the Kodály Center in Pécs on Sunday evening around 7:30. Firefighters, police and two ambulances also arrived at the victim. At first, the employees of the Kodály Center tried to help her with a fire extinguisher, as we know, they managed to put out the fire, but the woman’s clothes were badly burned and she could have suffered serious injuries – writes the bama.hu.

The employee of the portal was confirmed on the spot about the accident, but they did not know anything about the victim’s age or motive. At the same time, according to their sources, the rescuers fought for him for a long time at the scene, which was covered with screens, but contradictory information was received about his condition.

Even late at night, the scene was cordoned off, and in the middle of the road, you could see burnt pieces of clothing, a charred woman’s underwear, a pink lighter, as well as traces of blood and traces of vaccination.

There is help! If you or someone close to you is in a crisis situation, call the free mental first aid number 116-123 from a mobile phone, or visit the website www.onkuluksagmegelozes.hu!

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