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“Shock therapy” in Argentina. Victory? “Numbers Hurt”

This means, by the end of the first half of 2024, almost 25 million Argentines lived below the poverty lineand 3.4 million people crossed it this year. These are the worst results in 20 years.

The rest of the article is below the video

See also: Two million Poles live in extreme poverty. “We agree with this”

The numbers that hurt the most are the levels of poverty among children, said the Infobae portal. According to INDEC data, as much as 66.1 percent of children in Argentina live below the poverty line, which 27 percent are hungry because their families do not have enough money for food.

The president’s spokesman Manuel Adorni blamed the previous leftist administration for this situation.

“Shock therapy” in Argentina. Victory? “Numbers Hurt”

The government has inherited a disastrous situation, this is the worst inheritance the government has received in democratic times, maybe even one of the worst in history, he said.

Belt tightening program. Support levels are falling

“Shock therapy” in Argentina. Victory? “Numbers Hurt”

The shock helped to close the budget deficit, but it deepened the recession and worsened the financial situation of many families. The latest opinion polls show that Milei’s support levels, which have increased by around 50 percent since the start of his presidency, are beginning to decline.

“Shock therapy” in Argentina. Victory? “Numbers Hurt”

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1 hour ago

If the government agency says that 53 is actually 90%, and then hospitals are sold (remember PO MP Sawicka), you can, for example, buy the hospital for 1/10 of the retail value the hospital pharmacies, and is the rest of the hospital working and 9/10 of this pharmacy will be free

Let me remind you what happened in Poland after the fall of communism. Exactly the same thing. Unemployment, poverty, and only after a while it stabilized. All leftist ideas about the world always end up like this. And this is the rule, not the exception.

This is how this world works. First it is handouts and eventually the money will run out and there will be war or poverty. It is as if someone took loans for an apartment, car, vacation, etc., and lived off social programs such as 500+, 800+, etc., and suddenly, when it came out that the money for these programs was running out. , unemployment was coming in because there was no one to buy manufactured goods because people have nothing for it, then a situation arises when those in power want to go to war to take money from someone else or it leads to the fact that there is no money to buy food and people start begging. This is how leftist governments work, taking away from those who have it instead of encouraging those who don’t have it to work.

“Shock therapy” in Argentina. Victory? “Numbers Hurt”

PiS supporters have always “ruled” there, no wonder.

Final Thoughts (13)

Argentina readily exposed itself to American corporations to take over real estate and business

In the 80’s I made $16/month. I lived in misery or simply poverty.

Balcerowicz’s shock therapy led to an economic miracle in Poland under PiS and earlier only after 15 years, and they are burying Milei here after only 6 months… God save us from those “experts”.

PiS supporters have always “ruled” there, no wonder.

And what, in a minute the building will be sold for almost nothing to the Chinese and the Americans, as in Greece? The recommendations of the IMF and the World Bank were not lost 😉

2024-09-27 05:40:44
#Shock #therapy #Argentina #Victory #Numbers #Hurt

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