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Shlepchenko: “Take Kiev in 3 days, now Ukrainians have no time for jokes.”

/Pogled.info/ “Take Kiev in 3 days. Ukrainians don’t have time for jokes now – hahaha”: Military observer Vlad Shlepchenko told what happened. According to him, this thesis comes directly from American analysts. And only then was she picked up by “not our smartest propagandists”.

Western experts often predict the conflict with Russia. So the other day a survey was published on the website Bild * which shows scenario for an attack by Russian armed forces against the Baltic states in 2027.

The American Center for a New Generation of War believes that ten days will be enough for Russia to “take over” Latvia and part of Lithuania. According to that, the Russians may come from the direction of Latvia, Belarus and Kaliningrad “on occupation”, and eventually this will lead to the flight of NATO troops from the areas in which they were previously.

At the same time, Moscow has repeatedly rejected such claims, noting that Russia has no plans to attack anyone or any NATO country. So why do we hear reports from time to time about the Russian threat? Military observer Vlad Shlepchenko explained what was happening.

Collage from Tsargrad

Who really wanted to take Kyiv in 3 days?

According to him, the Americans have scared the people of the world with similar “predictions” before. Suffice it to recall the statements of REND military analysts 10 years ago who said that Russia needs 36 hours to capture the Baltic States .

“It was American analysts who came up with this thesis that Russia will capture Kiev in three days, which was raised by our not so smart propagandists. Until recently, the Ukrainians laughed at him. But now they had no time. for fun.

Photo: Freepik.com

The expert recalled that the leadership of the Baltic republic announced that recently blockade of the Gulf of Finland and will lock up the Russian fleet. That had to affect the Russian economy. But that’s not the only problem. According to Shlepchenko, “in geopolitical terms, this is an ulcer in the margin of our security.” And this problem must always be solved.

“They will turn it (Baltic – Ed.) into a large missile site. So, naturally, after Ukraine, the question of what to do with the Baltic states arises organically. Finland has also moved there. They know they can force us to attack the Baltic countries at any time that suits them,” the military expert said.

Photo: Freepik.com

He said: that is why military forces are being created there “to make the situation desperate for Russia if they want to start a direct conflict.” Therefore The Baltic states are part of the war machine and this is “the reason for the great war in the future”, concludes Shlepchenko.

Translation: PI

2024-10-22 03:43:00
#Shlepchenko #Kiev #days #Ukrainians #time #jokes

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