Shiv Sena spokesperson Sanjay Shirsat has warned that if National Congress Party (NCP) leader Ajit Pawar joins the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), then the Shiv Sena will not be part of the government in Maharashtra. Shirsat said that if Pawar leaves the NCP, the Shiv Sena would welcome him, but if he comes with a group of NCP leaders, Shiv Sena would not be in the government. Shirsat said that Ajit Pawar’s displeasure has no connection with pending cases before the Supreme Court, stating that his displeasure is because his son Parth Pawar lost the election earlier. He also criticized the Maha Vikas Aghadi’s move to hold rallies in parts of the state, calling it disrespectful to Ajit Pawar. The Devendra Fadnavis-Ajit Pawar government formed in November 2019 had lasted for three days.
Shiv Sena has warned they will leave the Maharashtra government if NCP leader Ajit Pawar joins the BJP.
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