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Shinpyeong from Mooncam “Is it the candlelight succession, history will spit on this government”

Shinpyeong lawyer. [중앙포토]

– The lawyer Shinpyeong (64, the 13th Judicial Research and Training Institute) from the’Moon Jae-in camp’ criticized the Moon Jae-in administration, saying, “The bank of public sentiment is collapsing” on the 25th, when Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol returned to work at the decision of the court. Attorney Shin is a person who served as the chairman of the Public Interest Reporting Support Committee at Moon Jae-in’s camp during the 19th presidential election. In the recent conflict between Justice Minister Choo Mi-ae and General Yoon, he is giving a critical view aimed at the Moon Jae-in administration.

Shin said on his Facebook page on the 25th that the court suspended Yoon’s two-month disciplinary punishment, saying, “The world contaminated and crude by low selfish desires is now about to return to its correct form.” He wrote, “I don’t know why this government, which is said to have succeeded the Candlelight Civil Revolution, has become this way,” and “I look at the inflection point of history with a deep sense of self-destruction.”

Lawyer Shin thinks that the prosecution reform is fake, and that the current government lies too much. He argued in this way, “Including the police, prosecutors, and courts, they should have shown an attitude to remove the dark clouds that have been draped over the judicial order and rescue the people who have been trapped and groaning. I was busy trying to achieve my goal,” he criticized. He argued, “The cornerstone of that long-term rule was the incapacitation of the prosecution. Despite the lessons of history that the abuse of power by the police is much more severe, the prosecution’s authority was broken and attached to the police.”

Some of the posts that lawyer Shinpyeong posted on his Facebook page on the 25th. [페이스북 캡처]

Some of the posts that lawyer Shinpyeong posted on his Facebook page on the 25th. [페이스북 캡처]

“Vaccine policy failure”

It is the Moon Jae-in administration’s practice that it was not able to secure the vaccine in time, Shin argued. He criticized, “The government is telling a red lie that it has only delayed the introduction of the vaccine considering the safety of the vaccine.”

At the same time, attorney Shin introduced data on the current status of vaccine security in countries around the world. Lawyer Shin said, “In addition to Japan, Hong Kong and India, Taiwan, which has more successful anti-coronavirus than ours, is included (on the list of countries with vaccines),” said Mr. Shin. “Poor countries such as Bangladesh and Vietnam have also secured a significant amount. “The game-changer is not a successful quarantine, it is not a cure, it is a vaccine.”

“It’s been like this throughout my tenure.”

Attorney Shin argued, “How will the government’s brazenness, lies, and incompetence be limited to the prosecution reform and failure to secure vaccines? The government has been doing this throughout its tenure. It is still doing it now.”

At the same time, he pointed out the controversy over the assault of a taxi driver over Vice Minister of Justice Lee Yong-gu and the excommunication of candidate Byeon Chang-heum of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport in the past.

Attorney Shin said, “How can this government be called the successor of the candlelight civil revolution? Oh, they are only acting like a thug of history, sticking to the ambition of long-term power for 20 years, and not even distinguishing from the front and back.” I will spit out.”

He said, “In this way, they were always staggered by power. And they were proud of their own. The’raindrops of arrogance’ from their bodies wet the land for so long.” The suspension of the execution of the disciplinary disposition by President Yun Seok-yeol is that signal,” he argued.

Reporter Oh Wonseok [email protected]

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