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Shelter Shortage for Flood Victims in Rue Saint-Joseph: Owners and Tenants Struggle to Find Housing Solution

Rue Saint-Joseph, at the heart of the floods of May 1, is very quiet on this rainy Wednesday. Several owners and tenants have deserted their homes while waiting for answers. The Fleuri gite, located on this same thoroughfare, is one of a long list of hard-hit buildings. Wanting to avoid reliving this bad movie again, its owners intend to move. However, they face a major problem.

“I’ve been looking for accommodation and we can’t find any. Luckily my boss is currently housing me,” says Mario Jean, co-owner of the B&B, which will be closing its doors for good.

Victims even have to resign themselves to leaving the city. Tenant of a heavily damaged home, Noémie Desmeules says she is lucky to have managed to find a home.

“For my part, it affects me a little less. I really understand the shortage. The daughter, who lived with me in the same apartment, simply had to move to Montreal, ”she says.

The mayor, Michael Pilote, says he is aware of the problem. He certifies working hard to expand the housing offer on his territory.

« There are different possibilities that are being studied as we speak. There are announcements coming in the next few weeks. Private developers call the City and look at different lots,” he says.

The City reiterates its desire to support each victim in their painful steps. She is organizing a meeting on Thursday evening with the latter, most of whom are waiting for their damage certificate.

“We will not have answers to all the questions. We will be able to answer certain questions and take notes. What we really want is to keep the channel of communication open with the various victims, ”explains the elected official.

“It’s possible that it will be answers that we don’t like or that we don’t get. At least everyone will be warned because there are people who are rebuilding their homes and I don’t think they have the right,” points out Mr. Jean.

In addition, the Argo used by the two firefighters to rescue a couple of disaster victims was found on Tuesday. It will now be analyzed as part of the ongoing investigations that are continuing.

#BaieSaintPaul #disaster #victims #awaiting #answers #and…housing

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