Home » today » News » Shelter in schools in Grenoble: it is back on track against the lack of accommodation – France Bleu

Shelter in schools in Grenoble: it is back on track against the lack of accommodation – France Bleu

It has almost become a habit. In this month of October, the city of Grenoble registered around 34 people, including 21 children between 2 months and 12 years old, staying overnight in 7 schools in the city. Associations and gatherings are even talking about a one month old baby. More than ever they are asking for requests and asking the State to do more in terms of emergency accommodation.

“It is hopeless but we will continue to fight. ” – Laure Bonnel, parent of a student at Malherbe school

This type of shelter is far from being the first, for example at the Malherbe school, where parents of students and activists try to draw the media and attention to what their “house” is. This Wednesday, October 16, they asked for donations at noon in front of the school gate to help meet the needs of the latest family affected: a Nigerian couple and their first grade child . The situation is almost always the same, explains Laure Bonnel, parent of a student and member of the residential school group, “teachers warn us most of the time which indicates a situation which is particularly fragile”. Then the volunteers organize a “job” that only happens at night: the families go into their “accommodation” after the children and the teachers have left and leave them early in the morning before they return. Last year, five families were welcomed to this school in turn. A very desperate repetition for Laure Bonnel but “we will continue to fight, we will continue as long as there are children on the street” and then, says the mother of this activist, “a movement is it’s what made people move things, especially in the city of Grenoble.”

<img class="VisualPreview svelte-1rldrkz" src="" alt="This Nigerian family without a housing solution has been staying overnight in Malherbe’s school for two weeks” width=”600″ height=”337″/>
This Nigerian family without a housing solution has been staying overnight in Malherbe’s school for two weeks © Radio France
Laurent Gallien

A situation that is only getting worse

Grenoble, of course, accepts these positions as long as they do not disrupt the activities of schools, and even supports them with their CCAS and by seeking other housing solutions. But despite creating 100 extra emergency accommodation, the city – which took 3 weeks after the start of the summer holidays to resettle all the families still in schools – was not getting more resolved. There is only one family that has been sheltered in the schools since September which has since been directed to other accommodation. Emergency accommodation is full and the city and 115 no longer have a solution. The collections require applications from the city. The city turns to the State, which in recent years has moved some of these places to long-term accommodation but without the need to replace them in the emergency system. So today there is a risk of seeing these families stay in the schools not for a few weeks but for several months. Hope they come out of it.

2024-10-16 16:51:00
#Shelter #schools #Grenoble #track #lack #accommodation #France #Bleu

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