Shell Asset Management Co. reduced its position in Quanta Services, Inc. in the second quarter. by 17.2%, as reported in its most recent Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing. The institutional investor now held 8,060 shares of the Quanta Services, a decrease of 1,669 shares from the previous quarter. According to the latest SEC filing, Shell Asset Management Co. The stock value of Quanta Services is $1,583,000.
Other institutional investors have also made changes to their positions in Quanta Services. Victory Capital Management Inc. increased its stake in the construction company’s shares by 22.2% in the second quarter. Absolute Capital Management LLC purchased a new stake in Quanta Services during the same period. JW Cole Advisors Inc. increased its stake by 1.2% while IFM Investors Pty Ltd increased its stake by 7.8%. Additionally, Empirical Finance LLC boosted its position in Quanta Services by 13.6% in the second quarter. In total, 87.86% of shares belong to institutional investors and hedge funds.
Other News: EVP Donald Wayne 5,000. sold 1 share of Quanta Services in a transaction in September. The shares were sold at an average price of $210.92, resulting in a total value of $1,054,600.00 41,323 8,715,847.16. Following the transaction, the executive vice president now owns XNUMX XNUMX shares in the company, valued at $XNUMX XNUMX XNUMX.
Wall Street analysts have also weighed in on Quanta Services, with issuing a research note giving the stock a “hold” rating. Both Credit Suisse Group and UBS Group raised their price targets on the stock, and Robert W. Baird reiterated his “outperform” rating. In total, three analysts have rated the stock a “hold” and five have rated the stock a “buy.”
Quanta Services reported its quarterly earnings on Aug. 3, reporting quarterly earnings per share of $1.47, slightly below analysts’ estimates of $1.53. The company’s net profit was 3.16% and return on equity was 15.48%. Quanta Services had revenue of $5.05 billion during the quarter, topping analysts’ estimates. Analysts expect the company’s earnings per share to be 6.46 this year.
Quanta Services also recently announced a quarterly dividend, with record investors receiving $0.08 per share.
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2023-10-15 13:27:24
#Shell #Asset #Management #reduces #stake #Quanta #Services #PWR