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Sheinbaum supports freedom in research

The setting was the Palace of Medicine of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), where the presidential candidate presented last Tuesday the conclusions of the dialogues in the chapter of education, science and technology, with a call to scientific communities to join a national development project, whose motto is shared prosperity.

In a discursive piece of remembrance, Sheinbaum defined himself daughter of ’68 and he reviewed his personal history, which went from his participation in the movement of those rejected to actions of solidarity with workers and peasants; from his research work in rural Michoacán to his militancy in the ranks of the University Student Council.

Of the CEU fight and its outcome he said: We won that public dialogue, with an argument that we will continue to defend from the Presidency: education is a right, it is not a privilege or a commodity.

Before the candidate, Juan Ramón de la Fuente, former rector of UNAM and coordinator of the team in charge of Sheinbaum’s government program, spoke.

absolute freedom

A part of his speech caused applause in the auditorium: We understand very well the critical nature of science, it is good that this is so. We understand that it is natural for tensions to arise between science and power, but we are ready to take advantage of the critical spirit of science. That science remains critical and with absolute freedom, that is what the government of Claudia Sheinbaum wants, free science, critical science, quality science, science fundamentally committed to the truth.

#Sheinbaum #supports #freedom #research
– 2024-05-05 07:35:52

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