Source: With the consent of Denisa Cziglová/ – collage
Former MasterChef participant Denisa Cziglová is not only a very brave girl, but also a caring and loving mother. Even though she is dealing with an insidious disease, for which she underwent brain surgery a month ago, she still has the will to fight. The main engine that drives her is her daughter, who has now celebrated her second birthday. The daughter wrote a touching message that she posted on her Instagram.
Denisa Cziglová came to the attention of viewers thanks to the amateur cooking competition MasterChef. Although she did not win the main title there, she is a clear winner among her loved ones. Denisa was already struggling with a brain tumor at the time of filming, but despite everything she was determined to keep fighting.
A painful operation
A month ago, she underwent a very difficult operation, which she wrote about on her social networks. It was said to be an incredible pain. “I think I can be tough, but the pain was huge. I mustn’t forget the date 1/2/2023 of my anniversary. In a little while it will be a month after the operation. It’s flying by. I had no idea how it would all turn out and I’ll stop from the day speak, write and read a day. I’m finally starting to speak and function normally.” wrote Denisa on hers Instagram.
Touching message to daughter
Miraculously, her senses and skills are slowly but surely beginning to return. Her own daughter, who has now celebrated her second birthday, gives her great strength. “Our little girl, we wish you a beautiful 2nd birthday. Thank you, little love, to your father and family for the support and help in this ‘more difficult’ period. But I believe that everything will turn out well, I will find the end of the tunnel again and everything will be fine again.” she wrote poignantly on her own Instagram Denisa, who does not want to give up her fight with the disease because she is a mother.
Her husband Roman was the first to inform about her illness on his social networks. “Unfortunately, the histology results confirmed what we all feared the most. The tumor in the head transformed from stage 3 to stage 4 Glioblastoma. It is one of the most aggressive tumors and the treatment is very complex and must take place as soon as possible,” Roman wrote on his back then Instagram.