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“She was betrayed, she trusted” – Corriere.it

The two had been in a couple for 4 years and had recently started living together in Milan. Jolanda, daughter of the actress and singer Francesco Renga, wrote a long post on Instagram to have her say on the Tapir delivered to her mother

It hasn’t been long since Ambra Angiolini, giving a little fresh air to her private life, she had ruled that it would no longer be love to save her. The person who is close to me – had theorized in front of a smiling Mara Venier – an added value, but not the one I could die for. In light of the latest news, confession made in that episode of Sunday In should reassure fans and admirers of the actress, singer and ex enfant prodige of Not Rai. Because its ultimate added value, Massimiliano Allegri, the man with whom she shared existence for four years, disappeared from its radars.

In short: it seems that the love story of one of the most talked-about glamorous couples is definitely gone. Amber therefore do not die of love. It will save itself. Despite the sentimental blow was strongly felt. In fact, the well-informed narrate that Max Allegri disappeared immediately after having them confided that he slept with another woman. A circumstance that would have definitively closed any opening to the relationship, already lame, tired, crepuscular as the vip-gossippare chronicles had been reciting for months. The confirmation that it was the betrayal that sealed the crisis in its irreversibility came from the daughter of Ambra, Jolanda Renga. In an Instagram story posted yesterday to defend his mother from those of Strip The News that they delivered them a Tapir
, the girl was not tender with Allegri: And even if this person in the end turned out to be different, the fault of those who trust or who betrays trust and betrays in every possible sense
? What is reprehensible or “loser” in trusting and loving?

Rumors of a crisis in the couple had intensified in recent months. In April, an alleged friend of the two had said that things had changed between them, for the worse, that a barrier of subtle misunderstanding had materialized. However, the gossip and rumors had been crumbled by Ambra herself in Maria Venier’s TV lounge: You ask me if the crisis is true? Fake news. Until the first advances of the weekly Spend , who put forward the thesis of the report not recoverable due to the Allegri’s betrayal. It was a blow to the heart for the actress who tried to save the relationship until the end. But, after a long crisis, it seems that the coach has disappeared. So the well-known gossip newspaper. Curious detail: Ambra and Max Allegri had recently started a coexistence in Milan. But the absence of Ambra among the guests at the wedding of the daughter of the Juventus coach, Valentina, celebrated in secret at the end of September, was interpreted as a further confirmation of the farewell. And Amber? He didn’t say much. He closed himself in silence. Except a few words spoken to Staffelli di Strip The News who gave her the Golden Tapir. The first of his career. He unmarked on the band. What happened?, Staffelli asked her. I don’t know, the answer. Staffelli again: He will never leave her alone. Ambra: Let’s say that at least the Tapir in the house in Milan enters. Jolanda’s social outburst did not spare those of Strip The News. The fact that the crew and the Staffelli envoy are already gone to Ambra’s daughter presented under the mother’s house
and not under the Juventus coach’s home: Is it really necessary to rage? And why come to her in Milan? Why not go to Turin? Why did she trust the person she was with and shared four years of her life?!.


October 14, 2021 (change October 14, 2021 | 10:48)

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