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she very proud of Yari

Romina Power returns to Instagram and shares a very familiar success, her pride Yari: the boy amazes in concert

Romina Power (photo source: Instagram, @rominaspower)

The note is highly appreciated by fans and followers, Romina Power come back up Instagram with some shots and stories in which he shows all his great love and the deep pride he feels for his very angry son, Yari.

Recently, in fact, Yari performed in concert with his girlfriend Thea Crudi and the two were very much appreciated, in fact, it seems that the boy is the worthy son of two great artists like Romina ed To the bathroom.

From the last and subsequent shots stories published by the well-known singer, it is clear that between mother and son there is a beautiful relationship, but as surely many already know, between Romina e Yari there is a strong bond unlike what there is with To the bathroom.

The post published by the singer-songwriter, in which Yari and his girlfriend are protagonists, reads: “A beautiful spiritual concert with Yari and Thea”.

Romina Power Instagram: the relationship with Yari is getting stronger

Romina Power, the pride of a mother: Yari amazes everyone
R. Power and Yari, Source photo: Instagram (@rominaspower)

Always much loved by the public, Romina Power continues to leave everyone particularly impressed thanks to the many shots published on his page Instagram.

A few hours ago, in fact, the songwriter she showed up with her beloved son Yari and with Thea Crudi, companion of the young man. Immediately on the page of Al Bano’s ex-wife, many likes arrived, about 4,975, and also some comments.

Among the many comments received, a very affectionate follower wrote: “How nice, Thea seems to me a good girl”.

The relationship between Yari and her mother is getting better and better, the same thing cannot be said of the bond with her father Al Bano, in fact, according to the well-known weekly ‘New‘, between the lead singer of Cellino San Marco e Yari there would have been a fight that brought the boy to Croatia.

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