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She talked about her health! – eXtra.cz

Singer Hana Zagorová (75) had to cancel all her concerts due to health reasons. She revealed to the daily Blesk how the singer is currently feeling and if she happens to be in the hospital.

Favorite Czech singer Hana Zagorová scares his fans and friends. Apart from his secretary, he does not communicate with anyone at all. Diary Lightning nevertheless, she managed to find out how the singer is in terms of health.

“Don’t worry! I live and I’m not in any hospital. I’m home with Stefan and we’re fine, ” revealed the already mentioned diary. She also let herself be heard that she had canceled all her concerts by the end of the year. “I am not feeling well yet and I think it would be up to me. And my fans don’t really deserve that – and neither do I. ” Zagorová added.

The condition worsened after the covid

Her health deteriorated mainly after she suffered from severe coronavirus last year. Since then, she has been on a swing with her because she has also struggled with bilateral pneumonia, high fevers and postcovide syndrome. “I have to rest, but I must not be idle. I can not. I’d rather die. And thank you for your interest. It makes me want to live on, “ she also let herself be heard, resuming the show Rande on her website and releasing a new album of her songs.

At the same time, she assured the fans that she would get together by the end of the year and that everyone would sing together again at her concert.


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